Happy Sunday, everyone! Down to business. Behemoth Giveaway Winner: The two lucky winners of the book are: Doreen R. (Comment #114) Caroline (Comment #82) Around the Interwebs: Not too much news going around this week, although there is apparently…
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Christopher Pike
Guest Blogger Halloween Week
Halloween Week Guest Post: Diana Peterfreund & Carrie Ryan talk Christopher Pike
For today’s guest, we are very lucky to have young adult authors Diana Peterfreund (of Rampant fame) and Carrie Ryan (genius behind YA zombie novel, The Forest of Hands and Teeth) over to guest blog. For their topic, they’ve…
6 Rated Books Book Reviews Guest Blogger Halloween Week
Halloween Week Guest Post: Kristen Reviews Whisper of Death
Greetings, friends! Our next guest for Halloween Week is the lovely Kristen of Fantasy Cafe. Kristen isn’t much of a horror reader, but when we invited her over for the week, she was eager to give one of Thea’s…
7 Rated Books Book Reviews YA Appreciation Month
WHY HAVEN’T I READ THIS BOOK?!: Monster by Christopher Pike
Today, we bring you two reviews for pretty well-known books that for some reason we hadn’t picked up yet. Before the onslaughts of “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU HAVEN’T READ THAT?!” begin, let us just offer our profuse apologies. We…