Title: Down The Mysterly River Author: Bill Willingham with illustrations by Mark Buckingham Genre: Fantasy, Middle Grade Publisher: Starscape Publication date: September 13th 2011 (First published 2001) Hardcover: 336 pages Down the Mysterly River is the childrenβs book debut…
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Bill Willingham
Title: Peter and Max – A Fables Novel Author: Bill Willingham (writer) / Steve Leialoha (illustrator) Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Vertigo Publication Date: October 2009 Hardcover: 400 pages This story stars Peter Piper and his incorrigible brother Max in a…
Happy Sunday, everyone! If you’re in the US, hope you’re enjoying the long weekend (with barbecues and beers and fireworks, etc). Demon Blood Giveaway Winners: The two lucky winners of Meljean Brook’s latest are: Sarah Z (comment #36) Alex…
For the past few months, we have been including in our weekly stash an βOn our Radarβ section for books that have caught our eye and attention; books we heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from…