Title: Fifty-Two Stitches Author: Anthology, edited by Aaron Polson Genre: Horror, Anthology, Flash Fiction Publisher: Strange Publications Publication Date: September 2009 Paperback: 162 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone anthology How did I get this book: ARC from…
Halloween Week Anthology Review: Taste of Tenderloin by Gene O’Neil
Title: Taste of Tenderloin Author: Gene O’Neil Genre: Horror Publisher: Apex Book Company Publishing Date: August 2009 Paperback: 162 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone How did I get the book: ARC from the publisher Why did I…
Halloween Week Anthology Review: Malpractice: An Anthology of Bedside Terror
Title: Malpractice: An Anthology of Bedside Terror Author: Anthology, edited by Nathaniel Lambert Genre: Horror, Anthology, Short Fiction, Flash Fiction Publisher: Necrotic Tissue Publication Date: March 2009 Paperback: 240 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone anthology How did…
For Halloween Week 2009, we will be bringing you a different guest blogger each day, sharing their own Halloween Words of Wisdom and Ponderings. Today, we give you the uber-talented and supercool Graeme, of Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review. A…
Book Review: Strange Brew by Patricia Briggs & Rachel Caine
Title: Strange Brew – “Seeing Eye” by Patricia Briggs and “Death Warmed Over” by Rachel Caine Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: St. Martin’s Publication Date: July 2009 Paperback: 384 pages Why did I read this book: I have been anxiously…
Halloween Week – Joint Review: The Beast Within
Title: The Beast Within Author: Anthology, edited by Matt Hults Genre: Horror, Short Fiction Stand Alone or Series: Stand alone anthology, a collection of stories dealing with shapeshifters of all kinds Why did we read this book: One of…
Title: The Magical Christmas Cat Authors: Lora Leigh, Nalini Singh, Linda Winstead Jones and Erin McCarthy Genre: Paranormal Romance Stand Alone/ Series: It can be read as a stand alone but at least two of the stories (Nalini Singh’s…