Title: The Warlord of the Air Author: Michael Moorcok Genre: Sci-fi (Proto-Steampunk) Publisher: DAW / Hunt Barnard Printing (UK) Publication Date: 1971 / 1974 Paperback: 156 pages Suppose that a few of our present inventions had been made earlier,…
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Steampunk Week
Steampunk started out as a sub-genre of Science Fiction in the 80s, and has since expanded to include other genre elements, such as Fantasy and Romance, for example. According to the Steampunk Wikipedia entry: The term denotes works set…
It’s here! It is finally here! We have talked about holding a Steampunk week ever since we started the blog, more than two years ago. For one reason or another, we always ended up postponing it until we set…
Another Sunday, another stash! After taking a week off of reviewing to read (OMG!), recuperate our sanity, and fortify ourselves for the weeks ahead, we are back, with a vengeance! First, a few tidbits of news. Giveaway Winners: We…