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Joint Review

9 Rated Books Book Reviews Joint Review

Joint Review: Ink Exchange

Title: Ink Exchange Author: Melissa Marr Genre: Young Adult, Dark Fantasy Stand Alone or Series: Second book in the series. Summary: (from to mortals, a power struggle is unfolding in a world of shadows and danger. After centuries…

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8 Rated Books Joint Review

Joint Review: Wicked Lovely

Title: Wicked Lovely Author: Melissa Marr Genre: Young Adult, Dark Fantasy Stand Alone or Series: First book in the series. Summary: (from #3: Don’t stare at invisible faeries. Aislinn has always seen faeries. Powerful and dangerous, they walk…

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8 Rated Books Joint Review

Joint Review: Fables Vol. 1

Title: Fables: Legends in Exile Vol. 1 Author: Bill Willingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha, Craig Hamilton Genre: Graphic Novel Stand alone or series: First volume in the Fables comics; collects issues 1-5. Summary: (from Vertigo)Who Killed Rose Red?In Fabletown,…

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