Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash and News

Good morning to all! It is time to say goodbye to our Steampunk Appreciation Weeks and resume regular schedule with a pretty cool week ahead of us, if we may say so ourselves. But first:

Giveaway winners:

The winners of the Amazon Queen giveaway are:

Spav (comment #69)

heatwave16 (comment #55)

Audra Holtwick (comment #49)

John J. (comment #26)

Tiger Holland (comment #61)

Jade (comment #68)

ThisViewOfMine (comment #35)

Mariska (comment #46)

Zita Hildebrandt (comment #18)

CrystalGB (comment #10)

You all know the drill. Email us (contact AT thebooksmugglers DOT com) with your snail mail address, and we will get your winnings out to you as soon as possible. Thanks again to everyone that entered, and congratulations to all of the winners!

And don’t forget, our Steampunk giveaway of Clockwork Heart by Dru Pagliassotti – is still going strong (as is the fascinating discussion about writing Steampunk in the comments) so make sure to enter before next Saturday!

Cover Matters Survey:

This is the final week to fill our Cover Matters survey: we want to know what YOU think about genre fiction covers in general. It’s completely anonymous (unless you WANT to leave your name and contact info, which is totally cool too) – but we really want to know how you fellow internet readers feel.

We already got a pretty good response (nearly 600!) and if you’re interested and have some time to kill, we’d love to hear from you too!

The Cover Matters Survey is here.

Meg Cabot Twitter Party

In celebration of Meg Cabot’s new release Runaway, the conclusion to the bestselling Airhead novels (which hits stores on the 20th), we will be hosting a Twitter Party Giveaway Bonanza with Meg Cabot! We’ve got a ton of prizes up for grabs – including gift cards, a limited edition T-shirt, and a freakin’ iPad! Here’s the official invite and the details:

Join Runaway author Meg Cabot and Thea and Ana of The Book Smugglers for a Twitter party Thursday, April 22, between 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. EST!

* Be sure to follow Meg @MegCabot, Point at @ThisIsPoint, and Thea and Ana @BookSmugglers before the party!
* Join the fun! No one expects you or your tweets to be perfect; we’re just happy you made it to the party!
* Anyone who tweets during this hour using #MegCabot is entered to win a limited edition Runaway t-shirt – featuring the winning design voted for by fans!
* Watch for questions from @BookSmugglers and win awesome prizes including an iPad, $50 Sephora gift cards or $25 VISA gift cards!
* To join the party, you can use our official party tweetgrid or just search #MegCabot on Twitter.
* Ask Meg questions or chat with other partygoers—just use the tag #MegCabot in all of your party tweets! (This is added automatically in TweetGrid.)
* Please don’t post any spoilers and don’t forget to pay attention to the time zones, the party starts at 8:30pm EST.

Make sure to join us on Twitter on Thursday, April 22 at 8:30pm EST!

And make sure to check the other stops on the tour as well!

Stop 1 March 31 – The Story Siren
Stop 2 April 2 – My Friend Amy
Stop 3 April 6 – Teen Fashionista
Stop 4 April 8 – Luxury Reading
Stop 5 April 12 – Pop Culture Junkie
Stop 6 April 14 – Bermuda Onion
Stop 7 April 16 – Trashionista
Stop 8 April 19 – Novelicious
Stop 9 April 21 – The Compulsive Reader

This Week on The Book Smugglers

On Monday Ana reviews the second volume of the (awesome) ongoing comic series Irredeemable by Mark Waid and Peter Krause.

On Tuesday, Thea reviews Master of None by Sonya Bateman, followed by a giveaway and an interactive Q&A with the author.

On Wednesday we get to review the new entry on Melissa Marr’s Wicked Lovely series: Radiant Shadows, one of our most anticipated reads of 2010.

On Thursday, Ana reviews Fantasy novel The King of Crags by Stephen Deas sequel to The Adamantine Palace. Thea then reviews dystopian novel Epitaph Road by David Patneaude.

Then, on Friday we welcome Laura Bickle on another super special interactive Q&A/Giveaway with the author in celebration of her release of Embers.

Aaaaaaaaaaand that is it from us today! Just one final word before we go enjoy the sunshine: Kick-Ass (reviewed here) came out this weekend in the US – it is an awesome movie and highly recommended!

~ Your friendly neighborhood Book Smugglers

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  • danielle
    April 18, 2010 at 7:32 am

    Just saw it. Will never be the same.

  • Ana
    April 18, 2010 at 10:01 am

    Dannie, in a good or bad way? LOL

  • Jackie Kessler
    April 18, 2010 at 10:21 am

    OMG — is that a Grendel fork she’s got in her hand? Damn, I have GOT to see this movie!

  • ThisViewOfMine
    April 18, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    I won. O_O *is suprised* Thank you! 😀

  • ThisViewOfMine
    April 18, 2010 at 4:37 pm

    Looking forward to your review of King of the Crags. Ive yet to read The Adamantine Palace but its on my TBR list.

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