Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash and News

Sunday! Day of rest and of Stash! This is what we have in store this week!

This Week on The Book Smugglers

On Monday, we kick off the week with a novella review. Ana reads Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

Every Heart a Doorway

On Tuesday, we announce the new editors of Speculative Fiction and open for submissions:

Book Smugglers Publishing (BSP jpg)

Wednesday, Thea reviews The Keeper of the Mist by Rachel Neumeier

The Keeper of the Mist

Then, we post a joint review of a highly anticipated read of the year: Sleeping Giants

Sleeping Giants

On Friday, Thea closes out the week with her review of Papergirls – Volume I over at Kirkus.


It’s a busy week, per usual! Until tomorrow, we remain…


~ Your Friendly Neighborhood Book Smugglers

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