Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Hello everyone and HAPPY SUNDAY! It’s a busy week, so we’ll just jump in, shall we?

Book Smugglers Publishing Things:


Last week, we unveiled the new cover of Broken–book 1 in the Extrahuman Union, by Susan Jane Bigelow! BEHOLD its beauty! We’ll be offering up a Goodreads giveaway very soon, so stay tuned. Last week we also announced a limited-time sale of Speculative Fiction 2014, edited by Renee Williams and Shaun Duke. Get the ebook for just $0.99 by visiting your ebook retailer of choice!

Cover art by Kenda Montgomery

This Week on The Book Smugglers:

On Monday, we are delighted to host a cover reveal and excerpt for This Savage Song by VE Schwab (a book we are very excited to get our hands on).

V.E. Schwab

Tuesday, we are delighted to have Stephanie Burgess as our guest author for the day, talking Inspirations & Influences for her upcoming novel Masks and Shadows–plus a giveaway.


Wednesday, Thea reviews Morning Star by Pierce Brown…

Morning Star

And on Thursday, we host our next piece for SFF in Conversation–this time around, it’s a roundtable discussion between Harry Markov, Sunil Patel, and S.L. Huang as they discuss the challenges, conceptions, and expectations inherent from making the writerly leap from short stories to novels.

SFF in Conversation

On Friday, Thea closes out the week over at Kirkus with her review of The Immortals by Jordanna Max Brodsky.

The Immortals

Until tomorrow, we remain…

Star Wars vs. Studio Ghibli by Lap Pun Cheung

Star Wars vs. Studio Ghibli by Lap Pun Cheung

~ Your Friendly Neighborhood Book Smugglers

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