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Live Interview with Carrie Vaughn

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Carrie Vaughn, bestselling author of the Kitty Norville books, is on Grand Central Publishing’s Blog Talk Radio Channel!

Today at 11:30 AM PST, Carrie will be taking calls and answering your questions–you know, Kitty Norville style. Dial in to 646-378-0039 to ask your burning questions. Or, if you’d prefer to listen, you can hear the interview HERE.

Make sure to check out Carrie’s two new Kitty Norville books: Kitty and the Dead Man’s Hand (book 5) released February 2009, and Kitty Raises Hell (book 6) to be released March 2009. Check out Carrie’s official website and blog for more information.

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  • KMont
    February 7, 2009 at 8:32 am

    I’ve only read one of Vaughn’s Kitty books, unfortunately, and I really enjoyed it. Gots to catch up!! I also started on book for two or three for some reason, so I not only have to catch up, I’ve got to double back first. I read the one I did though in an airport waiting several delayed hours for an international flight. Boy was her book a lifesaver!!

  • orannia
    February 7, 2009 at 5:35 pm

    This is the weirdest coincidence. I just need to have The Twilight Zone music playing and it will be complete.

    I’m currently reading Wolfsbane & Mistletoe. And the short story I’m currently reading is the one by Carrie Vaughn. And as I’m enjoying it I checked the library catalogue and the first book in the series is in my local library…

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