Title: After the Golden Age> Author: Carrie Vaughn Genre: Urban Fantasy, Super-heroes Publisher: Tor Publication date: April 2011 Hardcover: 304 pages Can an accountant defeat a supervillain? Celia West, only daughter of the heroic leaders of the superpowered Olympiad,…
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Carrie Vaughn
Title: Steel Author: Carrie Vaughn Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Young Adult Publisher: HarperTeen Publication Date: March 2011 Hardcover: 304 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel It was a slender length of rusted steel, tapered to a point at…
โOn The Smugglersโ Radarโ is a new feature for books that have caught our eye: books we heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. This is how the Smugglersโ…
Carrie Vaughn, bestselling author of the Kitty Norville books, is on Grand Central Publishing’s Blog Talk Radio Channel! Today at 11:30 AM PST, Carrie will be taking calls and answering your questions–you know, Kitty Norville style. Dial in to…