Title: A Local Habitation Author: Seanan McGuire Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Daw Publication Date: March 2 2010 MMP: 400 pages Stand alone or series: Book 2 in the October Daye series Toby Daye-a half-human, half-fae changeling-has been an outsider…
Seanan McGuire
Howdy folks, and happy Sunday! As the first part of our official Steampunk Week comes to a close, we return to our regularly scheduled programming…but fret not! If you want more dirigible-inspired goodness, we’ve got our second installment of…
“On The Smugglers’ Radar” is a new feature for books that have caught our eye: books we heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. This is how the Smugglers’…
Welcome to Smugglivus – Day 24! Throughout this month, we will have daily guests – authors and bloggers alike – looking back at their favorite reads of 2009, and looking forward to events and upcoming books in 2010. Today’s…
Joint Review: Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire
Title: Rosemary and Rue Author: Seanan McGuire Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: DAW Publication Date: September 1, 2009 Paperback: 368 pages Stand Alone or Series: First in the October Daye series Why did we read the book: We first learned…
Weekend is nearly over for us in the UK but you guys in the US still have one day off to look forward to! Meanwhile, here is what we have planned this week: On Monday, Ana reviews The Infinite…