Title: Beggars in Spain (Original Novella) Author: Nancy Kress Genre: Science Fiction Publisher: William Morrow and Company Publication Date: 1991 (Novella) Ebook: 100 Pages PLEASE NOTE: This is the original novella which won the Hugo and Nebula awards. Leisha…
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Nancy Kress
7 Rated Books 8 Rated Books 9 Rated Books Book Reviews Smugglivus Smugglivus Feats of Strength
Thea’s Smugglivus 2012 Feats of Strength
The Feats of Strength are an integral part of our annual Smugglivus Tradition. In previous years, the Feats of Strength were a challenge in which we dared each other to read a book that we knew was so far…
7 Rated Books Book Reviews
Book Review: After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall by Nancy Kress
Title: After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall Author: Nancy Kress Genre: Pre/Post/Apocalyptic, Speculative Fiction, Science Fiction Publisher: Tachyon Publications Publication Date: April 2012 Paperback: 192 Pages The year is 2035. After ecological disasters nearly destroyed the…