Title: Iron Man Book (Iron Man Vol. 1: Extremis) by Warren Ellis and Adi Granov Movie directed by Jon Favreau; starring Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges, and Gwyneth Paltrow Last weekend, Iron Man hit theaters full force,…
Movie Review
Title: The Golden Compass Novel by Philip Pullman Movie directed by Chris Weizt; screenplay by Chris Weizt; starring Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, and Dakota Blue Richards This past Tuesday, the film adaptation of Philip Pullman’s classic The Golden Compass…
Movie Review: The Darjeeling Limited
I am a huge fan of Wes Anderson movies – they are all a reflection of a personal vision: he usually directs, writers, produces and is involved with the photography, design and soundtrack. I love the feeling of his…
Title: The Ruins Novel by Scott Smith Movie directed by Carter Smith; screenplay by Scott Smith; starring Jonathan Tucker, Jena Malone, Shawn Ashmore, and Laura Ramsey Last Friday, the film adaptation of Scott Smith’s second novel, The Ruins, hit…
This Episode’s Unearthings: Let’s go mythical. John C. Wright’s Chronicles of Chaos trilogy and an all time fave movie, Jason and the Argonauts. John C. Wright’s Chronicles of Chaos: Orphans of Chaos, Fugitives of Chaos, Titans of Chaos I…
The Magnificent Seven is one of my very favorite movies–of all genres, not just westerns. It’s wild success when it was released in 1960 was pretty much a sure thing, considering the all star cast, director, and musical score.…
Silence. A door shrieks as the wind blows. An old man is writing in a chalkboard that the train from Flasgtone is going to be two hours late. Someone comes in, the camera focus on a gun and slowly…
Title: The Mist Novella by Stephen King Movie directed by Frank Darabont; starring Thomas Jane Today the film adaptation of Stephen King’s novella The Mist hits stores. Previously published in Skeleton Crew, the novella was marketed on its own…
Movie review: Grow Your Own
Generally speaking, British people love gardening. I guess 90% of the houses have its own garden, there is a huge amount of the TV shows about the subject, and people actually talk about it on a daily basis: at…
Title: I Am Legend Novel by Richard Matheson Movie directed by Francis Lawrence; starring Will Smith Today the most recent movie adaptation of Richard Matheson’s classic vampire story I Am Legend comes out on dvd. The novel is one…