Title: Early to Death, Early to Rise Author: Kim Harrison Genre: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Harper Teen Publication Date: May 2010 Hardcover: 240 Pages Seventeen, dead, and in charge of heaven’s dark angelsβall itching to kill someone. Madison…
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Madison Avery
Giveaways Inspirations and Influences YA Appreciation Month
Supernatural Summer: Kim Harrison on Inspirations & Influences (and a Giveaway)
Kim Harrison is a Smuggler Favorite author, penning the bestselling adult Urban Fantasy series, The Hollows (which also happens to be Thea’s all time favorite Urban Fantasy series). This year, she has decided to branch out her formidable writing…
Title: Once Dead, Twice Shy Author: Kim Harrison Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy Publisher: Harper Teen Publication Date: May 2009 Hardcover: 240 pages Stand alone or series: Book 1 in the Madison Avery series, though there is a preceding…