Title: Darker Angels Author: M.L.N. Hanover Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Pocket (Simon & Schuster) Publication Date: September 2009 Paperback: 368 pages Stand alone or series: Book 2 in The Black Sun’s Daughter series How did I get this book:…
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M.L.N. Hanover
Title: Unclean Spirits Author: M.L.N. Hanover Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Pocket Books (Simon & Schuster) Publication Date: December 2008 Paperback: 357 pages Stand alone or series: Book 1 in The Black Sun’s Daughter series How did I get this…
For the past few months, we have been including an βOn our Radarβ section in our weekly stash for books that have caught our eye; books we heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular…