Title: Dayhunter Author: Jocelynn Drake Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Eos Publishing Date: April 28th 2009 Paperback: 368 pages Stand alone or series: book 2 in the Dark Days series Why did I read the book: I read and reviewed…
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Jocelynn Drake
Another Laker victory, another Sunday, another stash… (And yay for the Bulls victory! You know how I feel about Boston.) Around the Blogosphere: There’s been an interesting discussion floating around Book Review Land over the past week, concerning authors…
I got an ARC of Nightwalker (released on 29th July) , read it and loved it. As soon as I was done with it I went online in search for more information on this new series and found the…
Title: Nightwalker Author: Jocelynn Drake Genre: Urban Fantasy Stand Alone/ Series: Book one of the Dark Days series. Summary: For centuries Mira has been a nightwalkerβan unstoppable enforcer for a mysterious organization that manipulates earth-shaking events from the darkest…