Happy Sunday, all! Hope you’ve had a great weekend, etc, etc, etc. Now, down to business… Giveaway Winners: First up, is our giveaway of Meljean Brook’s latest Guardians novel, Demon Forged. The lucky winner is: BREE! Also, the winner…
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Ilona Andrews
Title: Magic Strikes Author: Ilona Andrews Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Ace Publication Date: April 2009 Mass Market Paperback: 320 pages Stand alone or series: Book 3 of the Kate Daniels series. Why did I read this book: I liked…
Title: Magic Bites and Magic Burns Author: Ilona Andrews Genre: Urban Fantasy Stand alone or series: First and second novels in the Kate Daniels series Summary: (From amazon.com) MAGIC BITESMercenary Kate Daniels cleans up urban problems of a paranormal…