Title: Bitter Greens Author: Kate Forsyth Genre: Historical, Fantasy, Farytale retelling Publisher: Allison & Busby Publication date: February 2013 Hardcover: 491 pages An utterly captivating reinvention of the Rapunzel fairytale weaved together with the scandalous life of one of…
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Historical Fantasy
Title: Hide Me Among the Graves Author: Tim Powers Genre: Gothic, Historical Fantasy Publisher: William Morrow / Corvus Publication date: March 28 / September 2012 Hardcover: 511 pages Winter, 1862. A malevolent spirit roams the cold and gloomy streets…
Today we are delighted to welcome to the blog award-winner Fantasy novelist Tim Powers. Author of The Anubis Gates, On Stranger Tides, The Stress of Her Regard, Declare among others, Mr Powers is here today to chat about his…