Title: What Came From the Stars Author: Gary D. Schmidt Genre: Fantasy, Contemporary, Middle Grade Publisher: Clarion Books Publication date: September 4 2012 Hardcover: 304 pages The Valorim are about to fall to a dark lord when they send…
Title: Vessel Author: Sarah Beth Durst Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Publication date: September 11 2012 Hardcover: 424 pages In a desert world of sandstorms and sand-wolves, a teen girl must defy the gods to save…
Today, we are thrilled to host a cover reveal for another upcoming title from Strange Chemistry: Pantomime by Laura Lam, a Fantasy novel featuring R.H. Ragona’s Circus of Magic and a young protagonist’s coming of age. BEHOLD! The Smugglerific…
“Inspirations and Influences” is a series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their…well, Inspirations and Influences. The best part about I&I posts? Writers are given free rein so they can go wild…
The original plan was to write a joint review of Stormdancer but considering the many issues we had with the novel, we decided to write a Ponderings post instead. Stormdancer (Lotus War #1) by Jay Kristoff Thomas Dunne Books…
Title: The White Forest Author: Adam McOmber Genre: Historical Fiction, Fantasy/Speculative Fiction Publisher: Touchstone Publication Date: September 2012 Hardcover: 320 Pages In this hauntingly original debut novel about a young woman whose peculiar abilities help her infiltrate a mysterious…
Today we are thrilled to have award-winning author Adam McOmber over to talk about his debut novel, The White Forest. A Victorian era story about three friends torn apart by one’s obsession, one’s secret power, and one’s jealousy, The…
Title: Shadowfell Author: Juliet Marillier Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers Publication Date: September 2012 Hardcover: 416 Pages Sixteen-year-old Neryn is alone in the land of Alban, where the oppressive king has ordered anyone with…
Title: Hide Me Among the Graves Author: Tim Powers Genre: Gothic, Historical Fantasy Publisher: William Morrow / Corvus Publication date: March 28 / September 2012 Hardcover: 511 pages Winter, 1862. A malevolent spirit roams the cold and gloomy streets…
Today we are delighted to welcome to the blog award-winner Fantasy novelist Tim Powers. Author of The Anubis Gates, On Stranger Tides, The Stress of Her Regard, Declare among others, Mr Powers is here today to chat about his…