Title: A Countess Below Stairs (UK Title: The Secret Countess) Author: Eva Ibbotson Genre: Historical, Romance, Young Adult Publisher: Speak (US) / Young Picador (UK) Publication Date: 1981 Paperback: 400 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel. Why…
Fairy Tales
Series Review: The Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale
Until recently, I had not been introduced to the works of Shannon Hale, though her book Princess Academy is a Newberry Honor award winner, and Goose Girl comes highly recommended from basically everyone who has read it. Though embarrassingly…
Supernatural Summer: Aprilynne Pike on Inspirations & Influences (and a Giveaway)
Aprilynne Pike is a fresh new author, and her debut novel Wings has enchanted young and adult readers alike (just read my review). With Wings debuting on the New York Times Bestseller list then taking the #1 spot for…
Title: Wings Author: Aprilynne Pike Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Fairies Publisher: Harper TEEN Publication Date: May 2009 Hardcover: 304 pages Stand alone or series: First book in a planned series. Why did I read this book: I had been…
Title: Jasmyn Author: Alex Bell Genre: Contemporary Fantasy, Fairy Tale Publisher: Gollancz Publication Date: June 2009 Paperback: 320 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel. Why did I read this book: The first thing that caught my eye…
A Tale of Two DNFs: Book Discussion and Giveaway of Night’s Rose by Annaliese Evans
And now for something different: this is the first ever book that both Ana and Thea Did Not Finish. Instead of a proper joint review we will discuss the book and why it did not work for either of…
It is not a secret that we are huge fans of Melissa Marrβs books. Thea was the one who first read Wicked Lovely last year and promptly told Ana it was one of the Good Ones. From that moment…
Title: Fragile Eternity Author: Melissa Marr Genre: Speculative Fiction, Young Adult, Fantasy/Urban Fantasy Publisher: Harper Collins Publishing Date: April 2009 Hardcover: 400 pages Stand Alone/ Series: Book 3 in the Wicked Lovely series but also the direct sequel to…
Title: Princess of the Midnight Ball Author: Jessica Day George Genre: Fantasy, Fairy Tale Retelling, Young Adult Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Publication Date: January 2009 Hardcover: 288 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel, based on The Twelve Dancing…
Joint Review: Lament: The Faerie Queen’s Deception by Maggie Steifvater
Title: Lament: The Faerie Queen’s Deception Author: Maggie Steifvater Genre: Romantic Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD. Publication Date: October 2008 Trade Paperback: 336 pages Stand alone or series: First book in a new fantasy series by debut…