Title: Slice of Cherry Author: Dia Reeves Genre: Speculative Fiction, Horror, Young Adult Publisher: Simon Pulse Publication date: January 2011 Hardcover: 505 pages Kit and Fancy Cordelle are sisters of the best kind: best friends, best confidantes, and best…
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Dia Reeves
10 Rated Books 8 Rated Books Book Reviews What She Said YA Appreciation Month 2010
What She Said: Hero & Bleeding Violet
Today we bring you the latest installment in our feature, βWhat She Saidβ¦β in which we both review books that the other has already read and reviewed. The idea arose because of the dilemma that if one of us…
Title: Bleeding Violet Author: Dia Reeves Genre: YA/ UF Publisher: Simon Pulse Publication Date: January 2010 Hardcover: 464 pages Love can be a dangerous thing….Hanna simply wants to be loved. With a head plagued by hallucinations, a medicine cabinet…
Welcome to another Sunday edition of our Smugglers’ Stash & News. First up, we’ve got some fan-freakin-tastic news. Bloomsbury Retracts Cover: On Thursday afternoon, Bloomsbury officially announced that they will no longer be printing the offending cover of Magic…