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Battlestar Galactica


LOST – It’s Baaaaaaaaack!

January means the return of all good things–and LOST is back tonight!!!!!!!! Tonight at 9/8 central is a two-hour premiere (not counting that stupid clip show, which begins at 8/7c if you’re interested) with episodes titled “Because You Left”…

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Smugglers Stash

Smugglers Weekly Stash

It’s been fun, but our X-Files Weekend now comes to a close. And so, we look forward, onward ho! First things first, our magical sorting hat has spoken. The winner of our Accidental Demon Slayer giveaway is… M. of…

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Battlestar Galactica: It’s Baaaaaack!

The countdown begins! In approximately five days, one of the best frakking shows ever to grace the television screen will be back for it’s fourth and final season. Battlestar Galactica, simply put, it is awesome. In every respect. Political…

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