Title: Mr Cavendish, I Presume Author: Julia Quinn Genre: Historical romance Stand Alone/series: Book 2 of a two books series called The Two Dukes of Wyndham Summary: Amelia Willoughby has been engaged to the Duke of Wyndham for as…
Title: Hostage to Pleasure Author: Nalini Singh Genre: Paranormal Romance Stand Alone/ Series: Book 5 of Psy-Changeling series. Summary: Separated from her son and forced to create a neural implant that will mean the effective enslavement of her psychically…
Title: Razor Girl Author: Marianne Mancusi Genre: Shomi – Sci fi Romance Stand Alone / Series: Stand Alone Summary: Molly Anderson is not your average twenty-one-year-old. It’s been six years since she and her family escaped into a bunker,…
Title: Before I wake Author: Kathryn Smith Genre: Paranormal Romance Stand Alone/Series: Book 1 of a new series called Nightmare Chronicles Summary: You may call it a dream job… And in some ways, you’d be right. I actually get…
Title: A Rake’s Guide to Pleasure Author: Victoria Dahl Genre: Historical Romance Stand Alone/Series: It can be read as a stand alone, but Victoria’s first release, To Tempt a Scotsman, tells the story of Lady Alexandra Huntington, sister of…
Title: Before the Scandal Author: Suzanne Enoch Genre: Romance/Historical Stand Alone/ Series: This is book 2 in a trilogy called The Notorious Gentlemen –about three friends that met in the army while fighting Napoleon. Book 1 is Sullivan’s and…
Title: Nightwalker Author: Jocelynn Drake Genre: Urban Fantasy Stand Alone/ Series: Book one of the Dark Days series. Summary: For centuries Mira has been a nightwalker—an unstoppable enforcer for a mysterious organization that manipulates earth-shaking events from the darkest…
Title: The Wild Road Author: Marjorie Liu Genre: Paranormal Romance Stand Alone/Series: Book 8 of the Dirk and Steele series but can be read as a stand alone without any problems. Summary:Lannes Hannelore is one of a dying race…
Title: The Accidental Demon Slayer Author: Angie Fox Genre: Paranormal Romance Stand Alone/ Series: First book of Demon Slayer series. Summary: It’s never a good day when an ancient demon shows up on your toilet bowl. For Lizzie Brown,…