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4 Rated Books Movie Reivews Popgeekery

Movie Review: Interstellar

An aesthetically gorgeous movie that fails to deliver on any other meaningful level. NOTE: This review, particularly the latter portion, contains spoilers. If you wish to avoid spoilers altogether, you may want to look away. Interstellar (Paramount Pictures and…

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Awards Popgeekery

Trolling the Hugos

Hello, friends! As you may or may not know, we Book Smugglers have made the final ballot for the impending Hugo Awards for Best Fanzine. Naturally, we are very invested in the Hugos this year and are planning on…

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Blog Tour Giveaways Popgeekery

The 5th Wave Blog Tour & Giveaway

Hello everyone, and Happy Saturday! Today we are delighted to be a part of the official international blog tour for Rick Yancey’s blockbuster alien invasion sensation, The 5th Wave. Thea reviewed the book and absolutely loved it (one of…

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Book to Movie Popgeekery

Harry Potter and The Book Smugglers

Dearest Smuggler-Friends! The end is here! After years and years of build up, the Harry Potter movie franchise comes to an end TODAY. Right now, we are equal parts unbearable excitement and devastated melancholy. The Harry Potter series –…

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