Title: The Orphan’s Takes – In The Night Garden Author: Catherynne M. Valente Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Spectra Publishing Date: October 31, 2006 Paperback: 496 pages Stand Alone or series: First of a two-volume series. The second book, The Orphan’s…
Joint Review
Joint Review: Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire
Title: Rosemary and Rue Author: Seanan McGuire Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: DAW Publication Date: September 1, 2009 Paperback: 368 pages Stand Alone or Series: First in the October Daye series Why did we read the book: We first learned…
Joint Review: Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
Title: Mistborn: The Final Empire Author: Brandon Sanderson Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Tor (US) / Gollancz (UK) Publication Date: Jan 2007 (US) / October 2009 (UK) Paperback: 672 pages Stand alone or series: Book 1 in the Mistborn trilogy. Why…
Joint Review: Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon Hale, Dean Hale & Nathan Hale
Title: Rapunzel’s Revenge Author: Shannon Hale & Dean Hale Illustrator: Nathan Hale Genre: Fantasy, Fairy Tale Retelling, Graphic Novel, Young Adult Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Publication Date: August 2008 Hardcover: 144 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone graphic novel.…
Joint Review: Wake by Lisa McMann
Title: Wake Author: Lisa McMann Genre: Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Simon Pulse (US) / Simon & Schuster (UK) Publication Date: December 2008 (US) / October 2009 (UK) Paperback: 224 pages Stand alone or series: Book 1 of the…
Double Review: The Giver & Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry
When we were brainstorming our plans for the final week of our YA Appreciation month, we realized the need to do a second Apocalypse/Dystopia day. And, when looking over what titles we both wanted to read, we decided to…
Joint Review: A Countess Below Stairs by Eva Ibbotson
Title: A Countess Below Stairs (UK Title: The Secret Countess) Author: Eva Ibbotson Genre: Historical, Romance, Young Adult Publisher: Speak (US) / Young Picador (UK) Publication Date: 1981 Paperback: 400 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel. Why…
KILLER UNICORNS ATTACK! Joint Review: Rampant by Diana Peterfreund
Title: Rampant Author: Diana Peterfreund Genre: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Harper Teen Publication Date: August 2009 Hardcover: 416 pages Stand alone or series: Book 1 of a planned series, though can be read on its own. Why did…
Joint Review: Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink
Title: Prophecy of the Sisters Author: Michelle Zink Genre: YA (Horror) Publisher: Little, Brown (US)/ Atom (UK) Publishing Date: August 1, 2009 (US) August 6, 2009 (UK) Hardcover: 352 pages Stand alone or series: Book 1 in a planned…
Title: The Black Act Author: Louise Bohmer Genre: Dark Fantasy, Horror Publisher: Lachesis Publishing Publishing Date: March 13, 2009 Paperback: 332 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel. Summary: (from LachesisPublishing.com) The history of a curse is fraught…