Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Hello, hello everyone! Happy Sunday! Thea is here manning the fort while Ana is away on holiday in Finland–so let’s just jump right into it shall we?

Giveaway Winners:

We’ve got two new giveaway winners to announce! The lucky winner of Percy Jackson’s Greek Heroes and a Camp Halfblood backpack is…

Percy Pack Prize

Morgan Mccullough

The winner of a copy of Court of Fives by Kate Elliott is…

Court of Fives

Summer Wigmore

Congratulations to the winners! You know the drill–send us an email (contact[at]thebooksmugglers[dot]com) with your snail mail address and we’ll get your winnings out to you as soon as possible.

This Week on The Book Smugglers:

We kick off the week with Thea’s review of a book graced with a terrible cover but a truly AWESOME ghost story, The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall by Katie Alender.

The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall

On Tuesday, it is SEPTEMBER. ALREADY. How did that happen!? The end of summer also means that it has been one full year since we Book Smugglers became publishers as well as reviewers, and we have a TON of really awesome announcements to celebrate Book Smugglers Publishing’s first birthday. Check back on Tuesday for the goods–plus we’ll be announcing something big each week of September.

Book Smugglers Publishing Logo

Wednesday, Ana takes over with her review of surprisingly twisted fantasy novel A History of Glitter and Blood by Hannah Moskowitz.

A History of Glitter and Blood

On Thursday, we share our joint review of Space Hostages by Sophia McDougal–the highly anticipated sequel to last year’s amazingly fun middle grade sci-fi adventure Mars Evacuees.

Space Hostages

And on Friday, Ana closes out the week with her review of The Accident Season by Moira Fowley-Doyle over at Kirkus.

The Accident Season

Until tomorrow, we remain…

Force Awakens gif

Force Awakens gif

You’ve seen the new Force Awakens teaser, right? RIGHT?!

~ Your Friendly Neighborhood Book Smugglers

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  • Catherine King
    August 30, 2015 at 4:04 pm

    “Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall,” hmm? The title alone intrigues me! I’ve just been reminded lately of how frequently girls are called hysterical, out of control, overreacting, etc. when we speak out. Plus, I need something spooky to read in October…
    Looking forward to Tuesday!

  • EssayCritic
    September 8, 2015 at 2:59 pm

    Anything is just a small wind blow comparing The Force Awakens. Can’t wait December 18th.

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