8 Rated Books 9 Rated Books Book Reviews Joint Review

Joint Review: Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth E. Wein

Title: Rose Under Fire

Author: Elizabeth E Wein

Genre: Historical, WWII

Publisher: Electric Monkey / Disney Hyperion
Publication Date: June 3 / September 10 2013
Hardcover: 368 Pages

Rose Under Fire US Rose Under Fire UK

While flying an Allied fighter plane from Paris to England, American ATA pilot and amateur poet, Rose Justice, is captured by the Nazis and sent to Ravensbrück, the notorious women’s concentration camp. Trapped in horrific circumstances, Rose finds hope in the impossible through the loyalty, bravery and friendship of her fellow prisoners. But will that be enough to endure the fate that’s in store for her?

Elizabeth Wein, author of the critically-acclaimed and best-selling Code Name Verity, delivers another stunning WWII thriller. The unforgettable story of Rose Justice is forged from heart-wrenching courage, resolve, and the slim, bright chance of survival

Stand alone or series: It’s a companion novel to Code Name Verity but can be read as standalone

How did we get this book: ARC from the publisher at BEA.

Format (e- or p-): print ARC

Why did we read this book: Code Name Verity is now one of Ana’s all time favourite books and a top 10 books of 2012. (And Thea enjoyed it, too.)


Ana’s Take:


Rose Under Fire is a companion novel to the absolutely fabulous, heart-breaking, the-best-book-of-2012 Code Name Verity. I will come back to this later.

The plot summary of Rose Under Fire is rather straightforward: a young and naïve American girl named Rose Justice joins the allied forces in England flying planes for the War Effort. While on a short mission to Paris, she is captured by Nazis and sent to Ravensbrück, a women’s concentration camp. There, she forms strong, deep connections to a group of young political Polish prisoners known as the Rabbits. The Rabbits were the victims of horrifying medical experiments and were protected by the rest of the Camp because of their attempt to bear witness to these atrocities by telling the world.

I don’t know how to write this review. It’s hard to concentrate on what happens in the book not only because it is a difficult topic (I’ve had nightmares two nights in a row now after reading it) but also because I think that I’d rather talk about the themes that arise from it. There are so many.

Just like Code Name Verity, Rose Under Fire is an epistolary novel. Rose keeps a notebook before going to Ravensbrück where she writes about her experiences as a pilot until she is taken. The narrative resumes after Ravensbrück when Rose decides to write down her experiences – at least what she can remember of the six months she spent there. The final two “books” are written about one year later at the time the war trials begin.

It’s interesting: throughout the book there are four different Roses. But it’s always, always the same person. Because her voice is the same but the level of maturity is not – there is a question of superb writing skills here. Rose’s naivety and eagerness to start with are so painful because you just know they will not survive the war.

And I loved this because in these stories the Young and Naïve and Eager soldier is almost invariably a man. This is a book that is about a very specific group of women and how they experienced the war and those are varied even within the limited scope of this novel which concentrates in the Polish/French group of prisoners, especially on the small group formed by the Rabbits. I say “varied” because this is truly I think the core of the novel.

Because even within a similar group there are different experiences of this War and above all, different ways of coping. There are those that don’t, there are those who defy, there are those who cave, there are those who betray, there are those who subvert, those who fight, those who cry, those who laugh, those who do nothing at all, those who do all of this and more.

Actually, one of the things I think the most when reading stories like this is the topic of “defiance”. Ravensbrück was a camp that held political prisoners and some of them were resistance fighters. And as much as I admire resistance fighters, I am always more interested in the small, quiet, daily defiance which is so important too. The defiance that is quiet, incisive, patient, that whispers, that shares a piece of bread, that subverts orders the best way possible.

But there are those who, just like with coping, don’t fight at all. And who can begrudge or judge? No one and especially not this book. There is absolutely no sense of value or judgement in the different ways that each person deals with these atrocities, no right or wrong way. This is all the more important when it comes to the final part of the novel when it comes to the time of bearing witness at the trials. There are those who want to and can talk about their experiences. There are those who simply can’t: who can’t talk about it, who can’t bear to think of standing in front of people and talk about the unspeakable things that happened to them.

There is a huge focus on this because Rose Under Fire is a survivor story. This is important because there were so many that didn’t survive – there are so many that went into the fold nameless and voiceless. To the survivors then there is an extra layer of guilt, of why me and I don’t even dare to imagine what it must feel like. And all of that without being exploitative or simplifying everything by the false dichotomy of good vs evil although the Rose pre-Ravensbrück does think it is as simple as that which makes her friendship with a German guard all the more impacting.

And it is also “varied” because even though Rose is the main character and narrator, I don’t think she is the heroine. Her personal story is important but Ravensbrück’s is more, the Rabbit’s is more. Rose is almost unimportant. Because she is witness.

I think this is where novel completely diverges from Code Name Verity. Because that first book felt like a deeply personal story of two friends whereas this one is more about the whole. So, going back to Code Name Verity: if you have read it, you are probably thinking: is Rose Under Fire as good? I know because I wondered the same thing.

I have been deeply affected by both books in different ways. Because they are different books even if they have the same setting, and the same themes of loyalty and friendship between ladies. But Code Name Verity as heart-wrenching as it was, also had room for fun gotchas and twists because that was a spy book. The narrative here is drier and more straightforward – as it should be. They are both good books.

And then in the middle of it all, the details.

The fact that before the war ended and the Concentration Camps were liberated, the majority of the world thought that the news of what was really happening in those camps that were slowly slipping to the world sounded like anti-Nazi propaganda because who WHO could believe such things?

The shared horror of a forced haircut or ripped nylon tights as a naïve prelude to worse to come; saying grace before eating meagre meals; hysterical laughter; faux school exams; propping up the dead and hiding under planks; Vive La France!; flying around the Eiffel Tower; picnics and stitched gifts; red toenails and whispered poems.
Maddie (Maddie!) and any mentions of Julie that brought it all back.

And all the heartache in the world.

The simplest way to finish this review is to go back and to say: MY EMOTIONS.

Thea’s Take:

Let me preface this review by getting the big points out of the way: I loved this book. I loved it deeply. For its characters, its message, its grim and terrible beauty, I loved it.

I’ll also preface this review by saying that it is a very different book than Code Name Verity – epistolary style aside – but for those differences, it’s actually a more powerful and more important book.

I have to echo two sentiments that Ana puts forward: first, I think Ana hits on a very important part of the success of this Rose Under Fire – there is no (or ok, there’s some, but it’s not much) passing of judgement. I recently read a nonfictional account of the capture and trial of Adolf Eichmann in The Nazi Hunters, which emphatically, repeatedly uses the labels of GOOD and EVIL; of absolute moral right, and absolute moral depravity. I appreciate the layers in Rose Under Fire; there are terrible, unspeakable things that happen and are inflicted by terrible people, but how there are others that are neither good, nor evil, but somewhere in between (prison guard Anna, for example).

Second, as Ana has pointed out in her part of the review, the theme of defiance and its many faces throughout the book is truly remarkable. I loved the heartbreaking depiction of the different levels of resistance and strength, from taking too long to do different tasks, to chasing after and nudging pilotless planes to their demise, to turning out the lights in a concentration camp and throwing handfuls of dirt while screaming to cause chaos. My goodness, how brave and strong and amazing these people all are and were.

These things said, I think what I appreciated the most about this book are the underlying themes of truth, and truth in storytelling. The truth will be heard. This is the single sentiment that we see Rose and her fellow prisoners in Ravensbrück fight for and rally behind, over and over again. Because the truth is what matters; the reality of the “rabbits” of Ravensbrück and the medical experiments they endured, the cold and starvation and hard labor they faced before being murdered. The truth.

It is perhaps unfair to compare this book to Code Name Verity, which is, as Ana says, an internal novel about two best friends, spies, and brilliant, unexpected lies. Rose Under Fire is a very different creature, without the huge walloping twists of the former novel, and more of a straightforward retrospective record of Rose’s life before and after Ravensbrück. It’s an important story, and one that is written with Elizabeth Wein’s beautifully skilled hand – I have to agree with Ana in that the iterations of Rose before she tips that doodlebug and is captured by the Nazis is an entirely different Rose that is imprisoned and beaten in Ravensbrück. And that Rose is a different one than the terrified survivor, who fears her newfound space and freedom (to the point where any loud noises, like a telephone ringing, terrify her). The Rose that ends the book – the one that is reunited with her fellow friends and survivors, who goes to medical school following the war and after she has survived surviving – this is the strongest, most powerful Rose of them all. And I deeply appreciated and loved this character, so very much – moreso, I think, than the heroines of Code Name Verity.

Praises all said, the one key area where I felt that Rose Under Fire faltered, however, is in its epistolary narrative (granted, this perhaps is my own stylistic preference and nitpick). Rose narrates the story through her journal before Ravensbrück as a daily diary, but after she escapes and survives the concentration camp, the narrative switches to a long, very detailed account of daily life and her encounters over that missing year. To me, this feels more than a little contrived (to be fair, I had the same issue with Code Name Verity and the plausibility gap of a hardened Gestapo officer allowing a young captured spy to write so much in a journal day after day of being imprisoned and divulging nothing of importance). I also was not a huge fan of Rose’s poetry, although I appreciate the importance of lyricism and poetry to the character. Personally, it wasn’t to my taste, but this is completely a matter of personal taste and not a failing of the writing at all.

The only other thing I will say about this book actually has very little to do with the book – and perhaps this is more of a personal reflection, or fodder for a ponderings post than it is a fair commentary on the actual story itself. (This is code for me saying, please feel free to tune out now!) Still, I feel very strongly that something must be said: Rose Under Fire is one hell of a book. It’s a powerful, emotionally resonant historical novel about remembering and about surviving, and I truly appreciate and value that. That said, it’s also a story about a war that ended nearly 70 years ago. It’s also a story narrated by a beautiful, young, privileged, white girl who literally flies into a terrible situation. Please understand that I am not disparaging or arguing against the value of the rich canon of literature about the Holocaust, or the set of circumstances facing heroine Rose. I am simply saying this: there are so many wars, atrocities, even genocides that have happened in the last 70 years, and that are still happening now. Those truths and those stories are hardly represented today – much less in YA literature. And perhaps this doesn’t belong here in this review, but it’s something I am acutely conscious of, and I vow to do as much as I can to change this. Because I am inspired by Rose’s story and by this book, because I think it’s important to talk, to remember, and to experience that truth through storytelling, I vow to read and review books from other, more contemporary wars, from characters and authors other than that of the white, the privileged, the American and Western European. (I think I’ll start with Never Fall Down by Patricia McCormick, or A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah – if anyone has any other suggestions, please, please let me know.) And that is all.

Notable Quotes/Parts:

“Your brain does amazing acrobatics when it doesn’t want to believe something.”


Ana: 9 – Damn Near Perfection

Thea: 8 – Excellent

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  • AH@badassbookreviews
    September 6, 2013 at 12:40 pm

    This book left me an emotional wreck. I was a tearful mess and I believe that the book haunted me for at least a week. It is so hard to believe that people had to endure such horrible situations (and they still do today in many countries). I did love the depiction of acts of passive resistance and the camaraderie despite the conditions. I did understand the reluctance of the victims to speak out at the trials. Many of the Holocaust survivors could not talk about the atrocities they had seen. While the book is being marketed as a companion book, I do feel that Code Name Verity should be read first – because of Maddie.
    Anyhow, great review!

  • Liz B
    September 6, 2013 at 2:47 pm

    It is unfair to compare this to VERITY, but both — for different reasons — have a huge emotional impact. I really liked what ROSE had to say about surviving, not just in the moment, but After. I skimmed most of the poetry, but what I liked more than the poetry was Rose being a poet and how in many ways that saved her, gave her a voice, but my favorite part? She went to med school. Because poetry wasn’t the only part of her, or all of her, and it illustrates also how war changed her.

  • Catherine
    September 6, 2013 at 9:12 pm

    Hmmm. Sounds powerful, but I still haven’t read either, maybe because I am Polish myself, and I think I’ve heard enough about this type of stuff (for now anyway -Polish history is particularly rich in getting screwed over/hated on (to understate it) . . all the Polish historical war movies I have seen =already too many by the time I was 13).
    One small point about the last paragraph: many Eastern Europeans and Holocaust victims are/were white, of course. There’s a bit of a trend for Western society (among my/our generation in the blogosphere anyway, and not everyone of course) to imply (or at least focus on) that only POC are victims . . ya, not quite. Really, anytime there’s a need for resources (whether human or land-based), someone will be oppressed, and they will use any damn excuse to differentiate their group from the other one (I mean, many Eastern Europeans have a pretty similar appearance, to some extent. That never stopped anyone.). Anyways, I don’t want to step on any toes, (and I agree with/admire your goals) because of course people will champion the issues occurring in their own countries/continents first and what interests them/what they consider important in today’s time. I really only know some European history b/c I happen to be Polish myself. But being white and similar looking to Germans and Soviets did not stop either country from what they did to the Polish (in the recent past, ie/ in still living memory).
    I don’t read these types of books at this point but a movie recco: Katyn -about the massacre of Poles by Soviets in 1940.

  • de Pizan
    September 8, 2013 at 3:07 pm

    Some recommendations (not necessarily all current):
    A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park
    Shooting Kabul by NH Senzai
    Revolution is not a Dinner Party by Ying Chang Compestine
    Guantanamo Boy by Anna Perera
    Before We Were Free by Julia Alvarez
    Burn My Heart by Beverley Naidoo
    Bamboo People by Mitali Perkins

    Survival in the Killing Fields (also titled A Cambodian Odyssey) by Haing Ngor
    The Aquariums of Pyongyang by Chol-hwan Kang
    Life and Death in Shanghai by Cheng Nien

  • hapax
    September 10, 2013 at 11:25 am

    It took me days to nerve myself up enough even to read this review; however shall I read the book itself? And yet I know that I must…

    Recommendation: an older one, but DEOGRATIAS by JP Stassen is an incredible, harrowing graphic novel (of all things!) about the Rwandan genocide. Without getting the slightest bit graphic (in the other sense) or depicting violence in a titillating fashion, it manages to evoke the context, aftermath, and full horrors of the massacre, not only upon the victims, but upon those who perpetrated it.

    Also recommend anything by Joe Sacco, although I think that his work is usually classified as Adult rather than YA.

  • Tasfia Rahman
    December 30, 2013 at 10:32 am

    I am half way through this book so far, and at the moment, I’m loving it. I don’t think I will compare this to VERITY because even if I am halfway through it, I think Verity was much much more better and captured me more as a reader emotionally. One thing I will definately say is that I think Wein took the feedback she got for Verity on board really well, because there were many negatives in Verity which are not in Rose. I read Code Name Verity and Rose Under Fire as part of the Carnegie Awards, and I can see that all the negative things I wrote for Code Name Verity are no where to be seen in Rose Under Fire.

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  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2017 at 2:27 am

    I’m in my 50’s. I think it takes a while for fiction to catch up to current events. . I’ve been interested in WWII since I was a young reader, but growing up there was not a lot of fiction about it. I reread Anne Frank many times because that’s all I could find. It seems like WWII fiction has exploded in the last decade or so.

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