Title: 172 Hours on the Moon (Original title: DARLAH)
Author: Johan Harstad
Genre: Science Fiction, Horror, Young Adult
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (US) / Atom (UK)
Publication Date: April 2012 (US & UK)
Hardcover: 355 Pages
It’s been decades since anyone set foot on the moon. Now three ordinary teenagers, the winners of NASA’s unprecedented, worldwide lottery, are about to become the first young people in space–and change their lives forever.
Mia, from Norway, hopes this will be her punk band’s ticket to fame and fortune.
Midori believes it’s her way out of her restrained life in Japan.
Antoine, from France, just wants to get as far away from his ex-girlfriend as possible.
It’s the opportunity of a lifetime, but little do the teenagers know that something sinister is waiting for them on the desolate surface of the moon. And in the black vacuum of space… no one is coming to save them.
In this chilling adventure set in the most brutal landscape known to man, highly acclaimed Norwegian novelist Johan Harstad creates a vivid and frightening world of possibilities we can only hope never come true.
Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel
How did I get this book: e-ARC from the US Publisher (via NetGalley)
Why did I read this book: 172 Hours on the Moon first caught my eye based solely on its title – and then when I read the blurb, I was instantly sold. Teenagers on a PR mission to reinvigorate NASA and raise money, gone terribly, horribly wrong? Sci-fi horror on the moon? Oh HELL yes.
On August 15, 1977, a mysterious signal is detected on Earth – a signal that, impossibly, comes from the hunk of dead rock and dust that is the moon. Even before the signal, though, dating back to man’s first intrepid steps on the moon, NASA has known that there was something other in the vacuum where nothing should be alive. In the 1970s, NASA created a secret research facility in the Sea of Tranquility to investigate the source of the mysterious happenings and signal, named DARLAH 2. Due to budget cuts, international tensions, and a general lack of public interest in missions to space, however, DARLAH 2 remained uninhabited and untouched…
Until fall of 2010, when the mysterious signal is picked up once again by Earth. In order to secure funding to further investigate the lunar mystery, a small contingent of NASA’s need-to-know elite concoct a brilliant, high-stakes plan that will rip the space program from the cobwebbed clutches of the 1970s: they will send teenagers to the moon.
In 2018, holding an international lottery for eligibly healthy teens between the ages of 14 and 18, NASA gambles with the biggest PR stunt of the century and instantly sparks speculation and feverish public interest. Three teens will be selected from across the world and will be given the chance of a lifetime to spend 172 hours on the moon, accompanying experienced astronauts on a goodwill research mission.
Mia Nomeland, age 16 from Stavanger, Norway is headed to the moon by accident; her parents signed her up for the lottery without her consent or knowledge, but she’s determined to make the most of it for the sake of fame and fortune for her band.
Midori Yoshida, age 15 from Yokohama, Japan enters the lottery to escape the dim future she sees in her home country. A Harajuku girl with ambitions much larger than those of her classmates or family, Midori sees the mission to the moon as her chance to leave Japan behind and live her bohemian dream in a Brooklyn loft with her best friends.
Antoine Devereux, age 17 from Paris, France, has just had his heart broken when his beloved Simone dumps him for another man. Earth holds nothing more for Antoine, and the moon represents a new, fresh start.
After a year of intense training and preparation, the three teens leave Earth in July of 2019 and make their way to the Moon and DARLAH 2, their temporary home for a little over a week.
But something else waits in the vast, cold vacuum of space for the crew and yearns for Earth.
Blending classic science fiction and supernatural horror elements with an intriguing take on the revitalization of a largely irrelevant and overlooked space program, 172 Hours on the Moon is the first book I’ve had the pleasure of reading from Johan Harstad. Suspenseful and brilliant in its conception, I truly enjoyed this crossover novel, albeit with some reservations. First, the good: I adore the central premise of the novel and the idea of using a lottery and children as a means to endear public opinion and funding for NASA. When you first learn that teenagers are going to be sent to the moon, it requires some major suspension of disbelief – who in their right mind would actually send teens into a costly, dangerous, unprecedented mission to the moon? The conceit that this is all a publicity stunt for NASA is a stretch, but it makes sense – in a world where celebrities and the megarich are vying for tickets into low Earth orbit and where reality TV reigns supreme, sending teens as civilian representatives to the Moon isn’t that far off (after all, NASA and the United States had already launched a similar mission with the Teacher In Space program from 1984 – with similarly disastrous results). The fact that the teens would not be sent up into space alone, and would actually be observers – PR-candy civilians, as opposed to actual pilots and astronauts – aids the suspension of disbelief. It’s actually quite brilliant, and I applaud Mr. Harstad and 172 Hours on the Moon for making this seemingly impossible mission feel believable, right down to the details of keeping the Saturn V and LEM aesthetic for marketing and nostalgia purposes. Brilliant.
Similarly, I love that the teenage protagonists of this story (Mia, Midori, and Antoine) actually feel like real teenagers – each of them is going to the Moon for reasons that do not stem from their being geniuses or super-space-enthusiasts. In fact, not one of them is going to the Moon for the sake of the Moon. These are flawed, at times self-centered, immature, real people, and I love that they are imperfect, not noble-minded or saintly good or worldly. In the strictest, unkindest terms, Mia is selfish, Midori a hopeless dreamer, and Antoine emotionally compromised bordering on unstable. This said, they are all endearing, believable protagonists in their own ways, and Mia especially grows impressively over the course of the novel.
I loved that for all that NASA is an American institution, the teens selected are not American.
Finally, I loved the buildup to the moon mission and the entire central concept of the story involving a signal from the moon, a classified moon base, and a mysterious lunar presence that dates back to Apollo 11.
These praises said, there are some significant downsides to consider, too. While the overall story is brilliant in its conception, the pacing is uneven, with so much time spent on buildup to the actual lunar mission and a disproportionately short amount of time actually spent on the Moon. Once our crew actually lands in the Sea of Tranquility, things move along at a sadly rushed rate, creating a lopsided and truncated reading experience. The best works of horror are those that play on the slow seduction of terror – with fear building bit by tantalizing bit to a horrific crescendo. In 172 Hours on the Moon, the buildup is abrupt and ultimately dissatisfying because things are escalated so quickly.
Because the meat of the story is so rushed, many of the actual explanations and reveals are missing, and some elements remain glossed over or unresolved. The integration of the supernatural/premonition elements of the story don’t quite work, and earlier portions of the novel don’t quite manage to add up with the final explanation for the mysterious signal and lunar presence. Similarly, the significance of one main character’s entire narrative (an elderly man in a nursing home that somehow knows of the terror on the moon) feels completely extraneous by the end of the novel.[1. Interestingly, Johan Harstad references LOST as an influence for this book. Like that show – which is near and dear to my heart despite its flaws – many tantalizing tidbits remain merely tantalizing tidbits. Some things are never explained. That’s frustrating, especially in retrospect.]
From a writing perspective, many key backstory elements are related in data-dump fashion, which feels a little more awkward at times because of the rigid, clinical feel of the prose (I should note this might be because of the translation). Another shortcoming was the lack of character development for Midori and Antoine – while all three teens initially get equal stage time in the early parts of the book, once our protagonists head to the Moon, we are given Mia’s perspective almost exclusively. While Mia goes through an impressive character arc and I enjoyed her story, it does come at the expense of the other characters, which is a shame. Finally, the ending of the book is fairly predictable and sticks to any number of science fiction and horror tropes – in itself not a bad thing, but I can’t help but feel like there was potential for more, and ultimately 172 Hours on the Moon didn’t quite live up to the spectacular promise of its early chapters.
All these criticisms said, there is still plenty to get excited for with this novel, and certainly it’s one of the best pure science fiction titles in recent YA memory (i.e. the physics actually make sense, for once!). I loved the integration of science fact and the speculative stretch of unresolved mysteries explained with a supernatural/sci-fi twist (i.e. the Wow! signal). If you’re yearning for some old school science fiction with a good dose of tension and horror, you cannot go wrong with this book. Suspenseful, entertaining, and well-researched, I truly enjoyed 172 Hours on the Moon. Recommended.
Notable Quotes/Parts: From Chapter 1:
OPPORTUNITY — 2018“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” Mia Nomeland said, giving her parents an unenthusiastic look. “No way.”
“But Mia, honey. It’s an amazing opportunity, don’t you think?”
Her parents were sitting side by side on the sofa, as if glued together, with the ad they had clipped out of the newspaper lying on the coffee table in front of them. Every last corner of the world had already had a chance to see some version of it. The campaign had been running for weeks on TV, the radio, the Internet, and in the papers, and the name NASA was on its way to becoming as well known around the globe as Coca-Cola or McDonald’s.
“An opportunity for what? To make a fool of myself?”
“Won’t you even consider it?” her mother tried. “The deadline isn’t for a month, you know.”
“No! I don’t want to consider it. There’s nothing for me to do up there. There’s something for me to do absolutely everywhere except on the moon.”
“If it were me, I would have applied on the spot,” her mother said.
“Well, I’m sure my friends and I are all very glad that you’re not me.”
“Fine, sorry. It’s just that I . . . I don’t care. Is that so hard for you to understand? You guys are always telling me that the world is full of opportunities and that you have to choose some and let others pass you by. And that there are enough opportunities to last a lifetime and then some. Right, Dad?”
Her dad mumbled some sort of response and looked the other way.
Her mother sighed. “I’ll leave the ad over here on the piano for a while, in case you change your mind.”
It’s always like this, Mia thought, leaving the living room. They’re not listening. They’re just waiting for me to finish talking.
You can read the full excerpt online HERE.
Additional Thoughts: Make sure you stop by to check out our interview with author Johan Harstad for a chance to win a copy of 172 Hours on the Moon.
And, if you’re interested, there are a ton of pretty cool book-related extras courtesy of the publisher, including a number of higher quality videos (youtube channel HERE). Check out the official website and facebook page for more videos, images, character profiles, and extras.
Rating: 7 – Very Good
Reading Next: Glimmer by Phoebe Kitanidis
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Emily's Reading Room
April 17, 2012 at 8:39 amI put this one down after a mere 15 pages because I was put off by Mia’s penchant for arguing just for the sake of being difficult. While I understand that is a defining attribute for many teens, I disliked it as a teen, and I dislike it now. I have been meaning to pick it up again though, and your review may just convince me.
April 18, 2012 at 6:06 amEmily – I totally understand and felt the same way. Mia’s narrative, especially early on, is incredibly frustrating because she’s so…self-centered. That said, while I didn’t *like* the character, she did feel genuine. She grows over the course of the book, so that’s something! If you do give it another chance, I’d be interested to hear what you think!
April 23, 2012 at 7:55 pmY’all just convinced me to go and check out the YT campaign. Love what Little Brown did with it! Also, HELLO ACCENTS.
172 Hours On The Moon Johan Harstad Book Review
April 26, 2012 at 9:01 pm[…] The Book Smugglers Forever Young […]
Stephanie @ Read in a Single Sitting
May 24, 2012 at 2:11 amI really struggled with this one. I loved the concept, and I loved the riff on some of my favourite films, but I found it hard to suspend belief. And oh, Mia, what a pain you are…
Matthew Bilmes
June 22, 2012 at 8:57 pmSpoiler Alert!!!
I really enjoyed this book until the very, and I mean very end. It seemed as though the doppelgängers were set to take over the earth, but then there was that mission report from 2081 that seemed to be written by humans. I’m all for open endings, but this was a little too ambiguous for me. Any ideas?
Moon Thrills and Planet Palpitations « crunchingsandmunchings
August 22, 2012 at 5:02 am[…] 172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad (Little Brown 2012) is a decent but flawed book about NASA’s convoluted plan to reopen a secret moon base without a lot of questions about why it was secret by making into a contest for 3 teenagers to come along on the mission. MYSTERIOUS THINGS plague the teenagers who win the contest and nothing good comes of reopening the base. Most all of my criticisms are stated in nicer language here in this Book Smugglers review. […]
November 13, 2012 at 2:48 pmThis book was disapointing as it didn’t live up to my expextations. Some parts were quite confusing and didn’t make sense, especially the ending.
Honest as Always
November 13, 2012 at 10:05 pmI thought the book was okay. The suspense, terror, and horror were new to me, and I enjoyed those parts. But really? I wanted sci-fi/ horror, not Hamlet. The ending was a major let down/ really moronic. In my opinion, it brought the book down (a lot): where it could have been good, it was bad. And the pacing was also an issue for me, it made me feel neurotic. Maybe I’m just being nit-picky, but the book annoyed me, especially the ending. I can’t express that enough.
November 25, 2012 at 1:56 pmOH MY GOD
I read that book and tried really hard not to fall in love with the characters because I knew they would die at some point and Oh no i hated it but I loved it too this is so wierd
March 12, 2013 at 7:27 amhah at the end when Caitlin went to see Antoine outside it scared me that Caitlin dies but at the end i feel sad for sander that he got killed and also the man Henry i think was hes name when he died on the beach he so loved.
November 30, 2013 at 3:30 pmJust finished this book…I struggled with it initially but then found it compelling until the end. Too many things were unresolved, I don’t mind the odd thing but this many was incredibly frustrating, and the end ‘Report’ just added to more questions without resolve – argh! There is a lot to enjoy in the book but I am left feeling…incomplete.
May 7, 2014 at 8:09 pmhi
June 22, 2014 at 12:35 amI loved this book, even though it ended the way it did. I liked that I wasn’t really suspecting it, and even though it was sad, I thought it was compelling. I couldn’t put it down.
Shavonn Tabler
January 26, 2015 at 1:06 amI read 172 hours on the moon almost a year ago and it was so good I still remember it. I’m reading the reviews and I can’t help but think the unknown things were left alone on purpose, to leave you questioning things and to get you to continue thinking about the book. I’m not saying it’s not flawed, it is, I’m saying this particular thing is done on purpose.
March 28, 2015 at 12:50 pmOkay, so i recently read this book, and I can honestly say I hated every minute of it. The only reason I read to the end was because I’m a sucker for supernatural, horror type things. Anyways, the characters were really one-dimensional, the book had so much telling in it, and information dumping. And there were things in there that just didn’t make sense, like the old man’s point of view and how we never even get his story or how he knew what he did. And there were needless things in there too, like Midori’s experience with the random lady in the bathroom, and her randomly remembering an urban legend that had nothing to do with the plot. The diction was also really stilted, and do you honestly want me to believe that Antoine just fell in love with Mia after being in love with his former girlfriend for so long? Also you get a real stalkerish feel with Antoine, he was a bit creepy. It felt like the development of Antoine and Midori began but never finished and left me hanging. And the ending made no sense, we clearly see that Mia was the one in the shuttle going back to Earth, so it makes no sense that she suddenly turns into the doppelgänger There are just too many issues with this book for me to want to list them all. I would never recommend this book to anyone.
January 26, 2016 at 2:55 pmI’m only 100 pages into the book, and I think it’s a great book so far! I mean yea Mia was a little self centered, and they made her like a typical teenager. Personally I think they’re pretty much dead on, I’m a 15 yr. old boy teen and well it seems pretty much legit, so the book is rather good and I think it’s just great