Since we’ve already kinda covered favorite episodes, our poll for the week will be a little more specific–
What’s your favorite X-Files moment?

“I could smell you coming Clarisse” (or, incidentally, “C’mere you big bald beautiful man”) – The Truth
Batting Practice – The Unnatural
The Mulder Scream – Jose Chung’s From Outer Space
Conversation on the Rock – Quagmire
Dancing – Post-Modern Prometheus
“You’re a damn good looking man.” – Small Potatoes
Three-way Bubblebath/Zombies doing the tango – Hollywood A.D.
Shaft! – Bad Blood
(it’s a music video, kiss–and punch! hee–are at the end. Put on mute if you don’t wanna hear Christina)
The Kiss – Triangle
The Hug – Momento Mori
“The truth we both know” – Existence
“You know what’s weird? Mulder, she’s wearing my outfit” “How embarrasing” reveal that the bodies buried under the floor are Mulder and Scully – How the Ghosts Stole Christmas
“Woman, get back in here and make me a sandwich! Did I not make myself clear?” – Arcadia
Mulder and Scully pulls guns on each other – Ice
WTF Black Oil? The introduction – Piper Maru
Samantha Mulder clones – Herrenvolk
Any of Krycek’s kills (Duane Barry, Mulder’s father, Scully’s sister, etc) – Sleepless, Ascension, Anasazi, Apocrypha, Piper Maru, Patient X, SR 819, Two Fathers, Biogenesis, The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati
meljean brook
July 26, 2008 at 10:23 pm*head explodes trying to decide*
July 27, 2008 at 12:21 amI feel the pain Meljean!
Hmm. I guess I’m going with the ending of Post-Modern Prometheus 🙂 Best ending EVER. It puts a huge smile on my face, and gives me the tinglies every time I watch it!
July 27, 2008 at 1:09 amgah.
all of the above?
The Unnatural……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 27, 2008 at 6:15 pmWell, since I had to run out and buy season five just so I could watch it again, I’m throwing my lot behind Bad Blood.
October 23, 2011 at 11:33 pmJose Chung’s “From Outer Space” with Mulder’s scream. I laughed pretty hard for some reason with that one.