Title: The Resurrectionist Author: E.B. Hudspeth Genre: Historical, Horror, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Quirk Books Publication Date: May 2013 Hardcover: 208 Pages Philadelphia, the late 1870s. A city of gas lamps, cobblestone streets, and horse-drawn carriagesβand home to the controversial…
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The Resurrectionist
Hello everyone and Happy Friday! Over the course of three weeks, we’re doing something a little different to celebrate the release of hybrid fictional biography/codex of the strange book, The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black by…
Hello everyone and Happy Friday! Over the course of three weeks, we’re doing something a little different to celebrate the release of hybrid fictional biography/codex of the strange book, The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black by…
Hello everyone and Happy Friday! Over the next three weeks, we’re doing something a little different to celebrate the release of hybrid fictional biography/codex of the strange book, The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black by E.B.…