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Cooking the Books

Cooking the Books with Malka Older

Happy Wednesday and welcome to a brand new monthly feature in partnership with Fran Wilde and Aliette de Bodard’s Cooking the Books Podcast! Today’s guest is Malka Older talking to Aliette and Fran about her novels Infomocracy and Null…

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Book Smugglers Publishing

The Beatriceid by Kate Elliott (& Giveaway)

In which we celebrate the publication date of The Beatriceid by Kate Elliott! The Beatriceid Published 12/22/2015 A stunning new short story, written in verse, set in Kate Elliott’s Spiritwalker Universe Before Andevai, the waking of dreaming dragons, the…

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Over at Kirkus: A Jurassic World Inspired List

It’s Friday Wednesday, which means we are over at Kirkus for our regular weekly column! Today Thea is STILL going on about Jurassic World and is list-making… Because Jurassic World is deeply flawed, and yet still somehow incredibly entertaining.…

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Over at Kirkus: Short Stories (A Holiday Survival Guide)

It’s Tuesday, which means we’re over at Kirkus! (Well, not usually, but today that is the case!) Today, Thea takes over with some list-making with short fiction on the brain… Because sometimes, during the hectic rush of the holidays,…

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