Title: No Rest for the Wicked Author: Kresley Cole Review number: 16 Genre: Romance/Paranormal Stand alone or series: book 3 on the Immortals After Dark series Summary: From Amazon.com A soldier weary of life . . .Centuries ago, Sebastian…
Title: Wild Author: Jill Barnett Review number: 15 Genre: Romance/Medieval Stand alone or series: Part of a three book series set on Medieval England: Wonderful, Wild and Wicked. Summary: Shunned by superstitious villagers, Teleri of the Woods learned early…
Title: One Night for Love Author: Mary BaloghReview Number: 14 Genre: Romance/ Historical Stand alone or series: It is part a of series of books evolving around the same family/friends. This one being the first one can be read…
Title: Wonderful Author: Jill Barnett Review number: 13 Genre: Romance / Medieval Stand alone or series: This is a trilogy set in medieval times: Wonderful, Wild and Wicked. Each has a different knight as a protagonist – First is…
Wow, Thea I had no idea you felt so passionate about the book. I just hope I can defend it as well as you attacked it. Why did I read the book: I bought it ages ago after reading…
*cracks knuckles* Why did I read this book: It had overwhelmingly positive reviews on virtually every site, and having read another so-called paranormal romance (Bitten by Kelley Armstrong) and loved it, I decided to give this one a try…despite…
Recently, Ana finished reading A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole, and loved it. On the other hand, I had read the book and despised it. Since this is too good an opportunity to pass up, we decided…
Title: Twilight Author: Stephenie Meyer (this is one of the prettiest covers I have ever seen) Review Number: 11 Genre: Paranormal/Young Adult/Romance Stand alone or series: The first in a series. Followed so far by New Moon and Eclipse.…
The North and South Crusade: Part Deux
After much urging and fawning from Ana, and seeing the impressive Crusade on Kristie’s Ramblings on Romance campaign, I ordered the miniseries online and finally got a chance to watch it this weekend. Holy crow, it is everything I…
Title: The Last Hellion Author: Loretta Chase Review number: 10 Genre: Romance – Regency Stand alone or series: Stand alone, although many characters were introduced in Lord of Scoundrels. Summary: Amazon.com says In 1820s England, 28-year-old Lydia Grenville is…