Title: Bewitching Season Author: Marissa Doyle Genre: Young Adult, Victorian Historical Fiction with some supernatural magic goings on Stand alone or series: As it is, a stand alone novel, but has the makings of becoming a series. A book…
Title: Before the Scandal Author: Suzanne Enoch Genre: Romance/Historical Stand Alone/ Series: This is book 2 in a trilogy called The Notorious Gentlemen โabout three friends that met in the army while fighting Napoleon. Book 1 is Sullivanโs and…
The idea for a Powerpuff review started because recently Thea, me and Katie(babs) from Ramblings on Romance did our reviews of Shades of Dark and organized the publication for the same date. Realizing that each of us had a…
Title: Lord Sin Author: Kalen Hughes Genre: Historical Romance (Georgian) Stand Alone/ series: Book 1 of Rakes of London series. Summary: SIX NIGHTS OF PLEASURE . . .Georgianna Exley’s passionate nature has always been her undoing-and for this reason…
Title: Stardust Novel by Neil Gaiman Movie directed by Matthew Vaughn; screenplay by Jane Goldman & Matthew Vaughn; Starring Charlie Cox, Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Robert DeNiro Stardust was my very first Neil Gaiman book. On the recommendation…
Title: Shades of Dark Author: Linnea Sinclair Genre: Science Fiction Romance Stand alone or series: Sequel to Gabriel’s Ghost; this installment marks book 2 in a series set in the GG universe **THIS IS NOT A STAND ALONE BOOK!…
Title: Your Scandalous Ways Author: Loretta Chase Review number: 62 Genre: Historical Romance Stand Alone/ Series: Stand Alone Summary: James Cordier is all blue blood and entirely dangerous. He’s a master of disguise, a brilliant thief, a first-class loverโall…
Title: An Accidental Goddess Author: Linnea Sinclair Review number: 60 Genre: Romance Sci-fi Stand Alone/ Series: Stand Alone Summary: Raheiran Special Forces captain Gillaine Davrรฉ has just woken up in some unknown space way station, wondering where the last…
Title: Demon Angel Author: Meljean Brook Genre: Paranormal Romance Stand Alone or Series: Book 2 of The Guardians series (although each book can be read as a stand alone volume) Summary: (from meljeanbrook.com)For two thousand years, Lilith wrought vengeance…
Title: My Lord and Spymaster Author: Joanna Bourne Review number: 59 Genre: Historical romance Stand Alone/ Series: It is a stand alone novel but with secondary characters that first appeared in The Spymaster’s Lady. Summary: After her father is…