Title: Stardust Novel by Neil Gaiman Movie directed by Matthew Vaughn; screenplay by Jane Goldman & Matthew Vaughn; Starring Charlie Cox, Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Robert DeNiro Stardust was my very first Neil Gaiman book. On the recommendation…
Neil Gaiman
Title: Smoke and Mirrors Author: Neil Gaiman Genre: Fantasy/Horror (short stories) Stand Alone/Series: Stand Alone Summary: Harper Collins says In the deft hands of Neil Gaiman, magic is no mere illusion … and anything is possible. In this, Gaiman’s…
What? Can’t get away with the ineffable explanation? Fine, the long version it is. Review: Once upon a time, there was a Witch named Agnes Nutter. Unlike most other psychics or clairvoyants or witches, Agnes actually could see the…
Title: Good Omens Author: Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett Genre: Speculative Fiction Comedy…err…ish Summary: (from amazon.com)According to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch (the world’s only completely accurate book of prophecies, written in 1655, before she…
Title: Marvel 1602 Author: Written by Nel Gaiman, penciled by Andy Kubert, painted by Richard Isanove; covers illustrated by Scott McKowen Genre: Comic Book/ Fantasy Stand Alone/Series: Originally a series of 8 comic magazines. I am reviewing all issues,…
The Sandman Vol. 2 – The Doll’s House Part V: “Collectors” As Ana has pointed out, very detailed-like, The Sandman series is a groundbreaking, all-encompassing work of literature and art. Ana has thoroughly detailed the major characters with her…
What exactly is The Sandman? The Sandman is a series of comic books originally published by DC Comics in a monthly magazine format, between 1989 and 1996. There were 75 issues which have been rounded up and turned into…
Ana and I are huge fans of Neil Gaiman–who isn’t? If you haven’t read one of his novels, graphic novels, short stories, children’s books, or seen his movie and/or tv adaptations, chances are you’ve at least heard the name.…