Title: For A Few Demons More Author: Kim Harrison Genre: Urban Fantasy Stand alone or series: Fifth book in the Rachel Morgan/The Hollows series Why did I read this book: I love Rachel Morgan. Kim Harrison is my hero.…
Kim Harrison
Title: A Fistful of Charms Author: Kim Harrison Genre: Urban Fantasy, Horror Stand alone or series: Fourth novel in The Hollows (Rachel Morgan) series Summary: (From amazon.com)The evil night things that prowl Cincinnati despise witch and bounty hunter Rachel…
Title: Every Which Way but Dead Author: Kim Harrison Review Number: 21 Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Fiction Stand alone or series: Third book in The Hollows (Rachel Morgan) series Summary: (From amazon.com)Some days, you just can’t win. Witch and…
Title: The Good, the Bad, and the Undead Author: Kim Harrison Review Number: 17 Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Fiction Stand alone or series: Second book in The Hollows (Rachel Morgan) series Summary: (From amazon.com)It’s a tough life for witch…
Title: Dead Witch WalkingAuthor: Kim Harrison Review Number: 14 Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Fiction Stand alone or series: First book in The Hollows (Rachel Morgan) series Summary: (From kimharrison.net)All the creatures of the night gather in “the Hollows” of…