Title: Batman: Year One Author: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli and Richmond Lewis Genre: Graphic Novel Summary: (from DCcomics.com)A young Bruce Wayne has spent his adolescence and early adulthood, traveling the world so he could hone his body and mind…
Graphic Novel
Last month it was Kmont with the horror novel Summer of Night. This month, we decided to Dare Kate from What Kate’s Reading. Kate’s kryptonite? We Dared her to read and review a graphic novel (her first ever graphic…
Title: Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia Author: Greg Rucka, J.G. Jones, Wade von Grawbadger, Dave Stewart Genre: Graphic Novel Why did I read this book: I had yet to read this graphic novel, and when I saw it in the…
Title: Marvel 1602 Author: Written by Nel Gaiman, penciled by Andy Kubert, painted by Richard Isanove; covers illustrated by Scott McKowen Genre: Comic Book/ Fantasy Stand Alone/Series: Originally a series of 8 comic magazines. I am reviewing all issues,…
The Sandman Vol. 2 – The Doll’s House Part V: “Collectors” As Ana has pointed out, very detailed-like, The Sandman series is a groundbreaking, all-encompassing work of literature and art. Ana has thoroughly detailed the major characters with her…
Title: Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness Author: John Layman, Fabiano Neves & June Chung Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror Stand alone or series: Second Graphic novel in what is now a collection of 4 Marvel Zombie specials Summary: (From…
Title: Marvel Zombies Author: Robert Kirkman, Sean Phillips Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror Stand alone or series: First Graphic novel in what is now a collection of 3 Marvel Zombie specials Summary: (From amazon.com)Torn from the pages of Ultimate Fantastic…
Title: The Gunslinger Born (The Dark Tower Graphic Novel) Author: Stephen King, Peter David, Robin Furth, and Jae Lee Review Number: 25 Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror, Dark Fantasy Stand alone or series: Graphic Novel adaptation of the 7 book…
Title: 30 Days of NightGraphic Novel by Steve Niles and Ben TemplesmithMovie directed by David Slade; starring Josh Hartnett, Melissa George, and Danny Huston In honor of todayβs dvd release, I thought Iβd write a review for 30 Days…
Title: The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes and NocturnesAuthor: Written by Neil Gaiman; Art by Sam Kieth, Mike Dringenberg and Malcom Jones, III; Painted Cover by Dave McKean Review Number: 1 Genre: Graphic Novel Stand Alone or Series: First in…