Title: Enshadowed Author: Kelly Creagh Genre: Horror, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Atheneum Publication Date: August 2012 Hardcover: 429 Pages True love takes a twisted turn in the second book of this modern gothic romance trilogy channeling the dark…
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Edgar Allan Poe
Welcome to our newest feature on The Book Smugglers: SMUGGLED! For this new feature, we briefly video interview authors. Today’s guest is Kelly Creagh, YA paranormal fantasy/horror author of Nevermore (which Thea read and loved). Please give a warm…
Title: Nevermore Author: Kelly Creagh Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Horror, Young Adult Publisher: Atheneum Books (Simon & Schuster) Publication Date: August 2010 Hardcover: 528 pages Cheerleader Isobel Lanley is horrified when she is paired with Varen Nethers for an English…