Title: The Sky Is Everywhere Author: Jandy Nelson Genre YA / Contemporary Publisher: Dial Publication Date: March 9 2010 Hardcover: 288 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel Seventeen-year-old Lennie Walker, bookworm and band geek, plays second clarinet…
Title Something About You Author: Julie James Genre: Romance / Contemporary Suspense Publisher: Berkley Publication Date 2 March 2010 MMP 336 Pages Stand alone or series Stand alone novel FATE HAS THROWN TWO SWORN ENEMIES. . . Of all…
Wherever Nina Lies is the debut novel from the young and extremely talented Lynn Weingarten. In order to celebrate the paperback release of the novel, we are offering up a giveaway for THREE lucky readers! The Book: Wherever Nina…
Today, we have the proud honor of being the official Book Blog Partner on Harper Teenβs 28 Days of Winter Escapes Tour! First, we give you our joint review of our participating title, The Girl with the Mermaid Hair…
Joint Review: The Girl with the Mermaid Hair by Delia Ephron
Today, we have the proud honor of being the official Book Blog Partner on Harper Teen’s 28 Days of Winter Escapes Tour! First, we give you our joint review of our participating title, The Girl with the Mermaid Hair…
Title: Except the Queen Author: Jane Yolen & Midori Snyder Genre: Fantasy, Contemporary Fantasy/Urban Fantasy Publisher: Roc (Penguin) Publication Date: February 2010 Hardcover: 384 Pages From award winning authors Jane Yolen and Midori Snyder comes a tale of two…
Title: An Abundance of Katherines Author: John Green Genre: YA/ Contemporary Publisher: Puffin Books Publishing Date: Reprint edition 16 Oct 2008 (First edition: 2006) Paperback: 272 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone Why did I read the book:…
Smugglivus Feats of Strength: Thea reads Practice Makes Perfect by Julie James
The Feats of Strength are an integral part of our annual Smugglivus Tradition. In the Feats of Strength, we each dare each other to read a book that we know is so far beyond the other’s comfort zone as…
Smugglivus Day 7 – Guest Author (And Giveaway): Julie James
Welcome to Smugglivus 2009 β Day 7! Throughout this month, we will have daily guests β authors and bloggers alike β looking back at their favorite reads of 2009, and looking forward to events and upcoming books in 2010.…
Joint Review & Giveaway: One Con Glory by Sarah Kuhn
It’s Alert Nerd Day at The Book Smugglers! Today we take a look at Alert Nerd Press – an independent digital publisher dedicated to making geek-centric fiction and nonfiction for the discriminating nerd, both online and in print. Title:…