Title: Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia Author: Greg Rucka, J.G. Jones, Wade von Grawbadger, Dave Stewart Genre: Graphic Novel Why did I read this book: I had yet to read this graphic novel, and when I saw it in the…
Title: Marvel 1602 Author: Written by Nel Gaiman, penciled by Andy Kubert, painted by Richard Isanove; covers illustrated by Scott McKowen Genre: Comic Book/ Fantasy Stand Alone/Series: Originally a series of 8 comic magazines. I am reviewing all issues,…
The Sandman Vol. 2 – The Doll’s House Part V: “Collectors” As Ana has pointed out, very detailed-like, The Sandman series is a groundbreaking, all-encompassing work of literature and art. Ana has thoroughly detailed the major characters with her…
Title: Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness Author: John Layman, Fabiano Neves & June Chung Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror Stand alone or series: Second Graphic novel in what is now a collection of 4 Marvel Zombie specials Summary: (From…
Title: Marvel Zombies Author: Robert Kirkman, Sean Phillips Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror Stand alone or series: First Graphic novel in what is now a collection of 3 Marvel Zombie specials Summary: (From amazon.com)Torn from the pages of Ultimate Fantastic…
Title: The Gunslinger Born (The Dark Tower Graphic Novel) Author: Stephen King, Peter David, Robin Furth, and Jae Lee Review Number: 25 Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror, Dark Fantasy Stand alone or series: Graphic Novel adaptation of the 7 book…
Title: 30 Days of NightGraphic Novel by Steve Niles and Ben TemplesmithMovie directed by David Slade; starring Josh Hartnett, Melissa George, and Danny Huston In honor of todayβs dvd release, I thought Iβd write a review for 30 Days…
Title: The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes and NocturnesAuthor: Written by Neil Gaiman; Art by Sam Kieth, Mike Dringenberg and Malcom Jones, III; Painted Cover by Dave McKean Review Number: 1 Genre: Graphic Novel Stand Alone or Series: First in…