
Over at Kirkus: Prepare to Die! by Paul Tobin

We are over at Kirkus today with Ana’s review of superhero book Prepare to Die! by Paul Tobin…

…which turned out to be disgustingly sexist. Go HERE to read the whole thing. Warning: prepare to be appalled.

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  • Linda W
    September 7, 2012 at 7:53 am

    I read your review. I will prepare to run away from this book. I grew up reading superhero comic books and have always loved the genre. But that doesn’t mean the genre doesn’t need to change (i.e., by embracing strong, believable heroines). I can halfway understand it this book was a spoof on the genre, as you hoped. But this book doesn’t sound like a parody. If that’s the case, yeah, I feel appalled.

  • Paige
    September 7, 2012 at 8:00 am

    Oh, what a terrible book! Oh, what a hilarious review!

  • Gerd D.
    September 7, 2012 at 9:45 am

    Wow, what a true “Oh, John Ringo, no!” type of book.
    Everytime when you think the bottom must be hit by now, someone goes to prove that there’s still a ways to fall.

    Reading the review I’m not sure what I find scarier, that somebody wrote such a… steaming pile of something, or that he actually has found a publisher for it.

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