
Over at Kirkus: The New School of Dystopia

It’s Friday, which means we’re over at Kirkus! Today Thea is list-making once again with dystopias on the brain.

Red Rising In the End

Thea lists 2014 dystopian fiction for readers of all persuasions – YA dystopian fans, Sci-Fi dystopian fans, literary dystopian types, and so on. Go here for the full rundown!

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  • Real Estate Moscow
    January 21, 2014 at 8:26 am

    These books have nice front cover ….!!!

  • CJ Listro
    January 24, 2014 at 8:15 pm

    Great post! I discovered a few books that hadn’t been on my radar before, which is always nice. It also makes me aware of how many books are going to be spilling onto my TBR shelf…


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