
The X-Files Trailer

Oh. My. God.

The new X-Files Movie trailer is up! Video download courtesy of IGN. If you have problems with the video above, you can see it here.

The X-Files: I Want to Believe comes out in theaters July 25th.

For more info, check out the official website at:


Want more? Check out these little snippets:

I Want to Believe – Scully

I Want to Believe – Mulder


  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2008 at 9:44 am

    You never seize to amaze me!Was it 20 min ago?20 min ago I sent you the link and now it’s a blog entry!You ARE fast!lol

    Such a fantastic trailer and the little ads are made of awesome!Fangirl alert: thqueeee!lol


  • Thea
    May 13, 2008 at 9:56 am

    Hells yes Jensus, I am on top of this shiiit!

    I am so freaking excited for this summer!! I can’t even type properly right now! So many exclaimation points!!!

  • Ana
    May 13, 2008 at 10:41 am



  • Kate
    May 13, 2008 at 12:14 pm

    I’m so curious to see how they handle the ten years later (or whatever.)

    Anyone have some favorite episodes they’d like to share???

  • Ana
    May 13, 2008 at 12:33 pm

    Oh no Kate!!! Danger Will Robinson, Danger Will Robinson!!

    Thea and I are major X Files fans! I am in fact a newbie – literally, just bought the box with the nine seasons and have been watching it non -stop for two months. I just started season 7 now.

    Now favorite episodes: Jose Chung’s from Outer Space; Humbug; Triangle (oh that kiss!!!!); Bad Blood; The Ghosts that Stole the Christmas; Field Trip and any episode where Mulder and Scully have heart to heart!!! *swoons*

    Best TV Show ever.

  • Thea
    May 13, 2008 at 12:53 pm

    Oh no Kate!!! Danger Will Robinson, Danger Will Robinson!!

    Indeed, Kate! I have been a loyal fan since the ripe old age of 12. Hard core. I collected the trading cards, I still have my old VHS box sets, I’ve even read an X-Files novel or two…is my face red?

    Favorite episdoes? Ay. Well, hard to pick just one, but here are a few:

    Old School: Ice, Squeeze, Tooms, Darkness Falls, Humbug, The Host, Quagmire

    Mytharc: The Erlenmeyer Flask, Duane Barry/Ascension, Colony/End Game, Two Fathers One Son

    Random/Funny/Monster of the Week: War of the Corprophages, Jose Chung’s From Outer Space, Bad Blood, Agua Mala, The Goldberg Variation, Home, Post-Modern Prometheus, Terms of Endearment, Rain King, Hungry, Hollywood A.D.

    The Girly Epis: The Unnatural, Triangle, The Truth

    Umm…That’s a lot of episodes. If I had to point to a favorite, I’d go with Squeeze (and then Tooms). Scared the crap outta little 12 year old me, and in so doing hooked me on the series 🙂

  • Ana
    May 13, 2008 at 1:24 pm

    Thea! How could I forget Post-Modern Prometheus and The Unnatural – the hip grab!!!

  • Kristie (J)
    May 13, 2008 at 6:21 pm

    You two are funny.

    *sigh* I just never really got into it. I enjoyed the first few seasons, but then it just seemed to go weird or something.

  • Kate
    May 13, 2008 at 9:02 pm

    Ah, cans of worms 🙂

    So I don’t know episode titles or even seasons, but the two I always remember are 1. the one with vampires, and all I remember was an RV going in circles around the hitching post; it was told in a he said/she said and I thought it was really funny and clever, and 2. the one where they investigated a haunted house on (Christmas? some holiday), and the ghosts tried to trick them into killing each other. (Though I recently saw that on TV at the gym and I didn’t think it stood up so well, but then I was on a treadmill which makes me naturally cranky.)

    I also recently read a feminist critique of the X-Files in a so-so publication called Reel Histories (Melissa Croteau, 2008, Press Americana), examining the reversal of traditional gender roles and how that reversal (and the series, coincidentally) failed when the creator was forced to focus on the maybe/maybe not romance of Scully and Mulder. It was only an ok essay in an ok book (contributors tended to ramble opinionatedly and off-topic), but it was interesting and made me think about the X-Files from a feminist perspective, which I sure never did in college. And yes, regardless what the feminists say, I was rooting for Scully and Mulder too. (Mmm, David Duchovny.)

  • Kate
    May 13, 2008 at 9:09 pm

    Oh my gosh, and Billy Connelly?!?

  • Thea
    May 13, 2008 at 9:51 pm

    Kate–those are two episodes that Ana and I listed (of the fifty or so we listed! haha!)

    1. the one with vampires, and all I remember was an RV going in circles around the hitching post;

    This is “Bad Blood” 🙂 One of the funniest episodes ever, guest starring none other than Luke Wilson! (And the kid from The Sandlot and The Big Green…but I digress)


    2. the one where they investigated a haunted house on (Christmas? some holiday)

    This is “How the Ghosts Stole Christmas” 🙂 One of Ana’s faves. This is a sweet one as well! (And on a sidenote, being on a treadmill definitely equals crankiness, the only thing I can watch while running is basketball…but I digress again!)

    I also recently read a feminist critique of the X-Files in a so-so publication called Reel Histories (Melissa Croteau, 2008, Press Americana), examining the reversal of traditional gender roles and how that reversal (and the series, coincidentally) failed when the creator was forced to focus on the maybe/maybe not romance of Scully and Mulder.

    Huh. Interesting perspective. I’d be interested in reading this…although I would have to disagree. The reversal of the gender roles for Mulder and Scully (Mulder being the ‘loopy’ conspiracy theorist prone to flights of fancy, and Scully being the grounded, rational character) I always felt was not only groundbreaking and expertly carried out, but remained that way throughout the duration of the show. A romantic relationship is the function of two parties, both male and female, and I don’t think that the playing with boundaries of the relationship between the two negated Scully’s…stature. And after many years of a platonic relationship between two very attractive, young, intelligent and unattached characters, I felt the show did an excellent job of holding back from a full-fledged relationship, but entertaining the gray areas. Unlike, say LOST that has completely destroyed the character of Kate by way of romantic storyline (ugh).

    But, then again, I have a heavy bias when it comes to the X-Files–and especially Dana Scully (I had the BIGGEST girl crush on her. I wanted to be a forensic pathologist for a looooong time because of the character. What? That’s not weird!)

    Although, it is an interesting perspective. Is the article availble online? I’m not familiar with the publication? Could I J-STOR it?

  • Kate
    May 13, 2008 at 10:03 pm

    Sure, it’s a published book, the author’s a professor at George Fox University here in Portland. I wish I’d photocopied it – I’d send it on to you.

    And (just arguing the author’s arguments), Scully actually reverses her flipped-gender stature, going from the skeptic medic to the one who believes and carries on believing after Mulder’s mostly out of the picture. She softens and becomes more intuitive and more feminine after existing in a mostly-sexless role. (Please note I’m not saying it’s a sexless role – it’s not. But it’s far less gendered than a lot of women we see – saw – on prime time.) In terms of characterization – why the show didn’t work so well after he left, after Scully started to believe – I’d have to agree. However it was so friggin’ opinionated without substantiation (and I’m a recovering academic, I CAN’T STAND academic articles without footnotes, endnotes, or bibliography) that I ended up skimming the middle bit and picking up where she wound it up and drew some actual conclusions. I just wish I remembered what exactly they were, if that tells you anything about the staying power.

    And Luke Wilson, holy crap! I had no idea. What season were these two, you must know that I bet!!!

  • Christine
    May 14, 2008 at 7:43 am

    Thanks for the heads up, Thea. The X-Files was the only TV show EVER that I followed religiously. Seriously. We even brought my daughter with us to the movies for the first movie. A 10 pm showing! She was like 3 years old! We didn’t have a babysitter and HAD to see the movie on release weekend. We knew she’d fall asleep on our lap during the previews, but you should have seen the looks we got! LOL Dedicated fans were we!

  • Shannon
    May 15, 2008 at 5:10 pm

    ZOMG!!!!!! I can’t wait!!!

    I watched this show religiously. Every damn week. I only recently decided to try watching again from the beginning. I’m only in the midst of season 1, but the memories are flooding back to me.

    I, too, loved Bad Blood. So funny to see their different perspectives.

    The other ep I will always remember (although I, too, can’t remember ep names) was filmed in black and white. The MotW was this character who would do a bug bomb with the whole house tent thing and seduce the women. I think that is how it went. He was the town freak. He was a hard core Cher fan. At the end it showed a clip from a fake Jerry Springer type show where a group of the towns women had babies from their bug drugged encounters. Wacky!

    The ep that lives in my mind for it’s uber creepiness was where they investigate deaths caused by a carnie whose twin brother lives in his stomach. UGH!

  • Thea
    May 15, 2008 at 7:22 pm

    Kate–Hmm, applying the argument to the later seasons, with Scully softening and becoming more femenine does make sense. It’s certainly an interesting argument, I’ll have to keep a lookout for the book (even if it is without proper notation! That is incredibly frustrtating, I feel ya) And to answer your earlier question, both episodes (bad blood and how the ghosts stole xmas) are in season 6.

    Christine 🙂 Now THAT is dedication! Awesome. I can totally understand where you are coming from!

    Shannon, no problemo! And the epi you are thinking of is called “Post-Modern Prometheus”–one of my absolute faves. The Cher!

    Wow, who knew there were so many X-Files fans around these parts 🙂 Awesome.

  • Thea
    May 15, 2008 at 7:23 pm

    Oh, clarification–the bug bomb black and white episode is Post-Modern Prometheus. The carny one with the “fiji mermaid” (I LOVE that) is called Humbug–yet another fave! That one was scary! And yet…touching at the same time.

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