Title: Gullstruck Island/The Lost Conspiracy Author: Frances Hardinge Genre: Fantasy, Middle Grade/Young Adult, PoC Publisher: Macmillan Children’s Books Publication date: January 2009 Hardcover/Paperback: 512 pages On Gullstruck Island the volcanoes quarrel, beetles sing danger and occasionally a Lost is…
Frances Hardinge
Joint Review: A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge
Title: A Face Like Glass Author: Frances Hardinge Genre: Fantasy, Dystopian, Young Adult Publisher: Pan Macmillan Children’s Publication date: May 2012 Paperback: 490 pages In Caverna, lies are an art – and everyone’s an artist . . . In…
Title: Twilight Robbery/Fly Trap Author: Frances Hardinge Genre: Fantasy, Middle Grade Publisher: Harper Collins US / Macmillan UK Publication date: March/May 2011 Hardcover: 544 pages Mosca Mye and Eponymous Clent are in trouble again. Escaping disaster by the skin…
Title: Fly By Night Author: Frances Hardinge Genre: Fantasy, Middle Grade Publisher: Harper Collins US / Macmillian UK Publication date: First published in 2006 Paperback: 438 pages Twelve-year-old Mosca Mye hasn’t got much. Her cruel uncle keeps her locked…