Title: The Killing Joke Author: Alan Moore, Brian Bolland Genre: Graphic Novel Stand alone or series: Stand alone graphic novel, but part of the Batman universe Summary: (from DCComics.com)For the first time the Joker’s origin is revealed in this…
9 Rated Books
Title: Batman: Year One Author: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli and Richmond Lewis Genre: Graphic Novel Summary: (from DCcomics.com)A young Bruce Wayne has spent his adolescence and early adulthood, traveling the world so he could hone his body and mind…
Title: Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia Author: Greg Rucka, J.G. Jones, Wade von Grawbadger, Dave Stewart Genre: Graphic Novel Why did I read this book: I had yet to read this graphic novel, and when I saw it in the…
Title: A Curse Dark as Gold Author: Elizabeth C. Bunce Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel Why did I read this book: This one caught my eye when I was browsing through amazon; then…
Title: Coraline Author: Neil Gaiman Genre: Young Adult, Horror-Fantasy Why did I read this book: After having read Neil Gaiman’s adult works, I was excited to see how his writing would translate in young adult format! When I read…
Title: Smoke and Mirrors Author: Neil Gaiman Genre: Fantasy/Horror (short stories) Stand Alone/Series: Stand Alone Summary: Harper Collins says In the deft hands of Neil Gaiman, magic is no mere illusion … and anything is possible. In this, Gaiman’s…
Title: Marvel 1602 Author: Written by Nel Gaiman, penciled by Andy Kubert, painted by Richard Isanove; covers illustrated by Scott McKowen Genre: Comic Book/ Fantasy Stand Alone/Series: Originally a series of 8 comic magazines. I am reviewing all issues,…
Title: Your Scandalous Ways Author: Loretta Chase Review number: 62 Genre: Historical Romance Stand Alone/ Series: Stand Alone Summary: James Cordier is all blue blood and entirely dangerous. He’s a master of disguise, a brilliant thief, a first-class loverβall…
Title: The Lost Duke of Wyndham Author: Julia Quinn Review number: 58 Genre: Historical romance Stand Alone/series: Book 1 of a two books series called The Two Dukes of Wyndham Summary: Jack Audley has been a highwayman. A soldier.…
Book Review (and a half): The Mountains of Mourning & The Vor Game
Title: “The Mountains of Mourning” and The Vor Game Author: Lois McMaster Bujold Genre: Science Fiction Stand Alone or Series: Second and third installments to the Miles Vorkosigan saga Summary: (from amazon.com) “THE MOUNTAINS OF MOURNING” Twenty year old…